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Tag Archives: William Tecumseh Sherman
banditti busters?
Louisiana’s political affairs were still unsettled in the aftermath of the September 1874 Battle of Liberty Place, in which the white supremacist White League began an insurrection to take control of the state government. At that time federal troops put … Continue reading
Posted in 150 Years Ago, Postbellum Politics, Reconstruction, The Grant Administration
Tagged Grant Administration, Louis Alfred Wiltz, Philip Sheridan, Philippe Régis Denis de Keredern de Trobriand, Ulysses S. Grant, Wendell Phillips, William Almon Wheeler, William Pitt Kellogg, William Tecumseh Sherman, William Worth Belknap
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murder at the peace conference
From the April 26, 1873 issue of Harper’s Weekly: The treacherous murder of General CANBY and the Rev. Dr. THOMAS by the Modoc Indians during a conference to which the general and the Peace Commissioners had been invited by “Captain … Continue reading
pleasant surprise
Sir Isaac Newton isn’t usually the first thing that comes to my mind when I think about Christmas. From The Daily Phoenix, Columbia, South Carolina, December 25, 1872: Christmas. The learned have long been divided in opinion as to the … Continue reading
Posted in 150 Years Ago This Week, American Culture, American Society, Postbellum Society, The Election of 1872
Tagged Alexander Hamilton Stephens, Christmas, Columbia South Carolina, Henry Wager Halleck, Mixed Commission on British and American Claims, Sir Isaac Newton, Wade Hampton III, William Tecumseh Sherman, XV Corps (Union Army)
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nothing to see year
At least not over here. The Chicago Tribune used its January 1, 1871 issue to review the old year. According to the paper, the recent-history-perusing side of Janus would have been kind of bored looking at events in the United … Continue reading
so much service everywhere
John Ellis Wool, 85, died at his home in Troy, New York on November 10, 1869. Major-General Wool was a veteran of three major North American wars. After volunteering for the War of 1812 he made the U.S. Army his … Continue reading
feeding frenzy
You could say it’s a (very brief) tale of five Union generals. When Ulysses S. Grant became President of the United States in March 1869 he promoted his friend William T. Sherman to be the Commanding General of the U.S. … Continue reading
Posted in 150 Years Ago, Aftermath, Postbellum Society
Tagged American Indians, Ely Samuel Parker, George Armstrong Custer, Indian War, James Longstreet, John McAllister Schofield, Native Americans, Philip Sheridan, robert e, Robert E. Lee, Surrender at Appomattox, Ulysses S. Grant, William Tecumseh Sherman
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From the January 16, 1869 issue of Harper’s Weekly (pages 41-42): THE INDIAN WAR. THE Indian Peace Commission of 1867 accomplished greater harm than benefit. Treaties were entered into with The Cheyennes, Arrapahoes, Kiowas, Comanches, and at the recommendation of … Continue reading
nationalist reunion
From the January 9, 1869 issue of Harper’s Weekly: THE ARMY REUNION AT CHICAGO THE immense congregation of officers and soldiers assembled at Chicago on the 15th and 16th of December were representatives of our volunteer armies. Many were present … Continue reading
Custer vs. Black Kettle
From the December 19, 1868 issue of Harper’s Weekly: THE INDIAN WAR. GENERAL SHERIDAN has conceived a plan of Indian warfare which will yield substantial results. General SHERMAN’S report to the War Department from St. Louis, on the 2d instant, … Continue reading
no more rebels to fight
So far I haven’t noticed a letter from General William T. Sherman endorsing President Andrew Johnson’s reconstruction policy being published just before the 1866 elections in New York for its bombshell affect, but according to reports the general openly supported … Continue reading