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Tag Archives: Benjamin Franklin Butler
the Butler did it
Apparently, even Union Secretary of War Stanton had to rely on Confederate newspapers for his first report to General Dix regarding the failed attack on Fort Fisher. From The New-York Times December 29, 1864: WILMINGTON.; THE ATTACK ON FORT FISHER. … Continue reading
dinner plans changed
Two big war events 150 years ago this week were the capture of Savannah and the attempt to capture Fort Fisher. It took a while for the news to make its way up to upstate New York. Here’s an article … Continue reading
Beast on Broadway
General Benjamin F. Butler had yet another role to play for the Union cause – help keep New York City peaceful and orderly for the November 8th election. New Yorkers could read his orders 150 years ago today. From The … Continue reading
October surprise?
As the 1864 presidential election neared, a Democrat paper claimed that a Union assault on the Petersburg-Richmond front was politically motivated to create good war news for President Lincoln; the administration then covered up the failed attack. From a Seneca … Continue reading
“breathless anxiety”
Seneca Falls newspapers during the war seem to have been weeklies. Here’s a recap of the first week of the Overland campaign. The New-York Times seemed almost euphoric as the great battles commenced; this Democrat paper took a more negative … Continue reading
pledge passive allegiance?
After endorsing B.F. Butler for the United States presidency because he was the biggest thief among the candidates, the Richmond Daily Dispatch of March 21, 1864 published the following exchange of letters between General Butler and a Virginia schoolteacher: Butler … Continue reading
Putting Mouth Where Money Is
According to Wikipedia The three major tasks of the Confederate Navy during the whole of its existence were the protection of Southern harbors and coastlines from outside invasion, making the war costly for the United States by attacking U.S. merchant … Continue reading
Just us and the Yankees
Richmond Rhetoric: don’t have false confidence in foreign intervention Recently The Civil War 150th Blog posted that in October 1862 France’s Napoleon III proposed that European powers intervene in the Civil War with diplomacy – getting both North and South … Continue reading
First Louisiana Native Guard
According to Historynet, 150 years ago today the 1st Louisiana Native Guard became the first African-American regiment accepted into United States service. It was organized by Ben Butler during his military supervision of New Orleans. You can see more images … Continue reading
Be careful what you pray for
From the Richmond Daily Dispatch June 12, 1862: How the people are to pray. Usurping the prerogative of the Almighty, as will be seen by the following order, our enemies have undertaken to prescribe the from and the substantiae of … Continue reading