savior’s progress

Above the entrance to the ferry way appears the inscription: “WASHINGTON, the Father; LINCOLN, the Savior of his country.”

NY Times 4-25-1865

NY Times 4-25-1865

150 years ago today the remains of President Lincoln and his son Willie were conveyed from Philadelphia to New York City. The embalmer dusted off Mr. Lincoln’s face before the funeral train left Philadelphia.

From The New-York Times April 25, 1865:


PHILADELPHIA, Monday, April 24.

The funeral party started from the Continental Hotel at 2 o’clock this morning, and halted before the State House until the coffin was conveyed to the hearse.

The transparency which adorned the front of the building, namely, the portrait of the late President, with a dark border representing a coffin, afforded a relief to the surrounding gloom of the morning — the words, “Rest in Peace” still blazing from the gas-jets.

The Invincibles, a city organization, with torches, composed a part of the procession, and the City Guard acted as the escort. A band of music played dirges on the march.

The procession reached Kensington Station at 4 o’clock. Thousands of men, women and children were still in the streets, and not a few half-dressed residents in that neighborhood, who, apparently, had just hurried from their beds, ran forward to join the already large crowd in waiting at the depot. The funeral party with difficulty pressed their way to the cars. …


At a few minutes after 4 o’clock the train started. A locomotive preceded it by ten minutes. The en]g]ine is trimmed with the national flag draped with mourning, and there is a telegraph and two signal men accompanying it to guard against accidents.

The train consisted of nine elegant cars, provided by the Camden and Amboy Railroad, all tastefully trimmed.

The funeral car last night was additionally decorated, heavy silver fringe being placed at the end of the black coverings of the several panels, and the festoon being fastened with stars and tassels of similar material. First Lieut. JAMES A. DURKEE, Lieut. MURPHY and Sergeants C. ROWHART, S. CARPENTER, A.C. CROMWELL and J. MCINTOSH, spent the entire of last night in thus improving the exterior of the car, and clothing the interior with additional drapery. The materials were contributed by citizens of Philadelphia. … [occupants of the several cars in the train]

The Guard of Honor occupied the next car, and after this was that containing the remains of the late President and his little son WILLIE.

The last car was occupied by Rear Admiral Davis, Major-Generals Dix and Hunter, Brig. Gen. Townsend, Assistant Adjutant General of the United States Army. (Adjt-Gen. Thomas is detained at home by sickness.) Brevet Brig.-Gen. Barnard, Gens. Caldwell, Eaton, Ramsey, Maj. Field of the Marine Corps, Capt. Taylor and Capt. Penrose, and other army and navy officers.

PHILADELPHIA, Monday, April 24.

The body of President LINCOLN remained in state till 1 o’clock this morning, when the entrances were closed, all the throng having had an opportunity of viewing the remains.

Dr. BROWN, the embalmer, removed the dust that had settled on the face, and preparations were made for the departure of the body. At 3 o’clock the body was placed in the hearse, and the line of march taken for the Trenton Railroad Depot. …


The Delaware River, which separates the State of Pennsylvania from that of New-Jersey, was crossed at 5 1/2 o’clock; and as the trains passed through Trenton, the bells of the city were tolled. Immense throngs of spectators had here gathered. Every hilltop and the line of the road, and other advantageous points, were largely occupied. The train proceeded onward until it reached the station, where it stopped for thirty minutes. The population here had assembled in much larger numbers, for this was the more attractive point.

The station was elaborately festooned, and the national banner draped with crape was a prominent feature. There was a detachment of the Reserved Veteran and Invalid Corps drawn up in line on the platform, giving the customary funeral honors. Music was performed by an instrumental band, minute guns were fired, the bells continuing to toll.

A number of persons rushed from various directions toward the car containing the body of the President, but the masses generally retained their standing positions, evidently showing they were satisfied to restrain their impatience for a few minutes until the car should pass before them.

Absorbed in the general interest of the scene, it did not occur to the male part of the throng that a general lifting of the hat would have been a silent but becoming mark of respect to the dead. Everywhere, however, the emblems of mourning were prominent, showing that the people of Trenton, like all other true patriots, were not unmindful of the great loss which has befallen the nation in the violent death of a beloved and honored President. …

[New-Brunswick, Ranway, Elizabeth, Newark, Jersey City] …

From The New-York Times April 25, 1865:


The funeral train conveying the remains of President LINCOLN, left Newark at 9:07 yesterday morning, in charge of Mr. COULTER, the senior conductor of the road, the same officer who was conductor of the train in which Mr. LINCOLN went on to Washington.

While the cars were passing onward toward Jersey City, the people of that place were gathering at windows and roofs, filling the streets, and occupying all possible points of view around the great station-house at the ferry way.


was very quiet, but very impressive. The train was due about 10 o’clock. Much before 9 the balcony that runs round the interior of the station-house began to be occupied by ladies and their escorts. Along the front of the balcony, around the whole vast interior, hung one single broad band of black cloth, relieved with white stripes crossed diagonally. At the eastern end was a large national five draped and festooned in mourning, with the impressive motto, “Be still, and know that I am God,” and at the opposite extremity, the station clock was heavily draped in black and stopped at the hour of the President’s death, with the motto, “A nation’s heart is struck,” and the date of the deed.


A guard of two hundred regulars from the Second and Sixth United States Infantry, under Capt. LIVINGSTON and Maj. MCLAUGHLIN, is posted in and around the station. As the hour for the arrival of the funeral train approaches, the squad within the station-house, standing at ease, with stacked arms, is suddenly ordered into line. They form and march, the words of command sounding out clearly in the great empty, quiet, vaulted room; and a line of sentinels is posted at short distances along the midmost of the five tracks that run lengthwise through the house. The galleries are slowly filling up; the spacious floor of the great room is almost empty. A low murmur of conversation comes from the balcony; the noise and bustle of the ferry passengers sounds loudly from without, and every minute or two the brazen clash of an engine-bell breaks suddenly in from the tracks outside of the western gates; the long line of sentinels, with ba[y]onets fixed, moves waveringly hither and thither; the rest of the squad stand at ease, with arms stacked; the representatives of the press are conversing together in a group; all the faces are grave; there is a hush in the whole feeling of the place, enhanced by the vast empty space of the station-house, so silently awaiting the entrance of the corpse of the dead ruler of the land.

Mr. Secretary of State DEPEW, and Mr. Police Commissioner ACTON, quietly enter the building; a little afterward, the delegations from the municipalities of Jersey City, Hoboken, and Bergen, file in; then the Saengerbund, or united German Singing Societies of Hoboken, come and take their place. Brig. Gen. HATFIELD, commanding the Hudson brigade of New-Jersey State troops, Brig.-Gen. HUNT, commanding the troops in the harbor and defences of New-York, and a few other officers, enter, Beyond the gates, glimpses can be seen of silent crowds piled like drifts of light snow on roofs, cars, and other elevated places.

The train is approaching. The line of sentinels is extended, quite cutting off the area within which the cars are to enter. Mr. WOODRUFF, the polite Superintendent of the railroad, is just in season to secure the reporters their professional immunities from military command.

Almost unheard, the nine cars of the funeral train, all draped with black, glide steadily in through the western gates of the station. Now the guards present arms; a battery of the Hudson County Artillery, at a little distance, fires minute guns; and the Saengerbund chants, in a great volume of strong and manly voices, with much feeling and good execution, an impressive Grabesruhe, or Requiem.


The President's funeral car, on a steam lighter, approacing New York, from Jersey City April 24, 1865 (Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1865 May 13.; LOC: v)

ferry from Jersey City to Manhattan

The last car of the train, the gorgeous and highly finished one built for President LINCOLN’s use while he was alive, is detached. That immediately in front of it, its sombre, almost black, paneling contrasting strongly with the strong crimson of the other, was finished expressly for its present sad purpose. The civic and military delegation who have escorted the body of the dead from Washington, gather to the door of this funeral car. All heads are uncovered, and the coffin is reverently borne forth by soldiers of the Veteran Reserves, and carried to the hearse. As it leaves the station-house the deep voices of the Germans are silent, and the various delegations, forming into line, march slowly from the building by its western exit, pass down Exchange-place towards the ferry-boat; the Washington escort first, the Mayor and Common Council of New-York next, and the military and other civic bodies following.

Above the entrance to the ferry way appears the inscription: “WASHINGTON, the Father; LINCOLN, the Savior of his country.” A strong line of guards keeps clear a broad and ample space for the procession. Outside their line a great and dense but serious and silent crowd is gathered. All are quickly on board the boat, and moving at once out of the slip, she crosses without delay or accident to the foot of Desbrosses-street.

Down Broadway, from below Wall St. ( New York : E. & H.T. Anthony & Co. [April 24, 1865]; LOC: C-DIG-stereo-1s04310)

“not one building without its signs of mourning” (Down Broadway, from below Wall St., 4-24-1865, Library of Congress)


The Seventh Regiment and the police maintained a perfectly clear area throughout the whole space of Desbrosses-street, from end to end. As the boat entered the slip the singers again took their places near the hearse. The procession took order as it passed from the boat. The Seventh Regiment, already formed, took the right of the line, the hearse moving within a hollow square formed by its ranks. Next moved three lines of coaches, conveying the Washington escort, and the line was closed by the civic deputations.

Along the whole distance from the ferry the excellent police arrangements of the day maintained clear roadways. But the sidewalks, windows, roofs, posts, trees, all imaginable points for advantageous view, were crowded to their utmost capacity, and there was, it is believed, not one building without its signs of mourning.

Passing through this immense, almost soundless, but intensely interested and deeply sympathetic crowd by Desbrosses-street to Canal, by Canal to Broadway, down Broadway to the Astor House, up Park-row to the eastern side of the Park at Printing House-square, the procession moved slowly into the open space before the City Hall, and the gray lines of the Seventh Regiment marked the margin of the broad area already kept clear by the police. Within inner lines of soldiers, while the great audience in reverent silence uncovered their heads, the hearse halted before the main entrance of the City Hall.

The procession approaching Union Square ([publisher not identified] [April 24, 1865]; LOC: LC-DIG-stereo-1s04309)

“The procession approaching Union Square” April 24, 1865 (Library of Congress)

The body of the martyr President, Abraham Lincoln. Lying in state at the City Hall, N.Y. April, 24th & 25th 1865

“The body of the martyr President, Abraham Lincoln. Lying in state at the City Hall, N.Y. April, 24th & 25th 1865 “

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Philadelphia procession

Philadelphia (corner Chestnut Street) (Philadelphia (corner Chestnut Street) / by Ridgeway (i.e. Ridgway) Glover; LOC: LC-DIG-stereo-1s04300)

“a procession following Abraham Lincoln’s funeral car on the streets of Philadelphia, April 22, 1865.” (Library of Congress)

Preamble & resolutions adopted by the Fire Department of Philadelphia, April 20th, 1865, expressive of regret of the death of our late President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln (LOC: by Anthony Berger, 1865; LOC: LC-DIG-ppmsca-19201

Philly Fire Department resolutions on April 20th (Library of Congress)

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let’s be guided by his spirit

at least the spirit of President Lincoln’s second inaugural

Seneca Falls Reveille 4-22-1865

Seneca Falls Reveille 4-22-1865

I’m pretty sure The Seneca Falls Reveille (in Seneca County, New York) was a strongly pro-Democrat newspaper during the Civil War. 150 years ago today it published an editorial on the assassination of President Lincoln.

From The Seneca Falls Reveille on April 22, 1865:

ABRAHAM LINCOLN is dead! This truly national calamity is rendered doubly afflicting by the fact that he was brutally assassinated. We have no words in which to speak of the awful crime, the appalling tragedy, which occurred at Washington on Friday night. The event is utterly without a parallel in the history of our country, and we doubt whether the annals of a thousand years furnish a precedent for a deed so monstrous and fraught with consequences so momentous. The President of the United States assassinated and his Chief Secretary stabbed nearly to death! Shocking intelligence! Unspeakable horror! The mind staggers in the attempt to contemplate either the fact itself or its possible consequences. What a terrible condition of affairs exists when the Chief magistrate of the nation is thus wickedly and wantonly murdered! How awful the lesson it teaches! Civil war – terrible in its character, devastating and blighting in its effects – has culminated in the assassination of ABRAHAM LINCOLN! No matter who inaugurated the war; it is upon us, and in its long catalogue of crimes, the murder of the President is the most appalling. Civil war was the beginning of all our troubles, and just so long as it continues and is countenanced, encouraged and upheld by this people, just so long shall we have scenes of bloodshed and horror, too shocking for contemplation and without parallel in the world’s history. The assassin who smote down President LINCOLN was impelled to the atrocious crime by the terrible condition of the country and the consequent horrors engendered by this wicked war. By this blow liberty and civilization receive a shock from which they will not readily recover.

Post office department. The nation mourns his loss. He still lives in the hearts of the people. [mourning badge]. (LOC:

“Post office department. The nation mourns his loss. He still lives in the hearts of the people. [mourning badge]. “

The country mourns the loss of ABRAHAM LINCOLN. His murder is shocking to the public mind, and political friends and political foes clasp hands in common execration of the crime, and common grief over the national calamity. On the fatal night of his assassination, Mr. LINCOLN held relations to the country and to the world, the importance of which it is impossible to calculate. The germ of pacification – of a return on the part of a distracted and divided country, to unity, peace and prosperity – lay in the brain which was pierced on Friday night. If they mourn him who have gloried in him as their leader in war, much more should they grieve who, in the midst of war, have been most [wearily sighing] for peace.

Let the nation mourn, though not without hope, for one who served it, to the best of his knowledge, faithfully. Let it cherish the memory of the dead, and vindicate outraged justice and humanity in the person of his murderer. But above all, let it take the spirit of its departed leader to be its guide in the difficult and stormy future before it. Amidst the general horror and distress of the nation, over the sad event, let us forbid the indulgence of anything that will lead to ill-feeling, anarchy or confusion. The spirit of Christianity, of Patriotism and of common sense, should lead us to pursue the generous, enlightened, politic course which President LINCOLN inauguraged with reference to the great problems now confronting the country.

No. 424, Looking down Penn. Av. from Treasury Building, Washington, D.C. (by C.H. Hall, v; LOC: LC-DIG-stereo-1s04306)

Washington, D.C. in mourning

According to the Library of Congress the above “Photograph shows a view of Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C. after the death of Abraham Lincoln showing mourning bands draped on columns, and a flag at half staff. A caisson is parked in the foreground.”
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Lincoln's funeral on Pennsylvania Ave.  (Washington, D.C. : 1865 April 19; LOC:

largest funeral procession
ever in Washington
(“Lincoln’s funeral on Pennsylvania Ave. ”
Library of Congress)

From a Seneca County, New York newspaper on April 21, 1865:


The funeral ceremonies over the remains of the late President LINCOLN took place at the Executive Mansion in Washington on Wednesday, in the presence of President Johnson and Cabinet, the Governors of several States, the diplomatic corps in full costume, prominent officers of the army and navy, and a large concourse of distinguished citizens from all sections of the country. The obsequies are represented as peculiarly solemn and impressive. At ten minutes past 12 o’clock the Rev. Dr. Gurley of the Episcopal church, announced the order of the religious service. Dr. Hall read a portion of the Scriptures according to the form of that church. The opening prayer was made by Bishop Simpson of the Methodist Episcopal church. The Rev. Dr. Gurley then delivered an appropriate discourse, after which the body was conveyed and deposited in the rotunda of the Capitol. The funeral procession it is said was the largest that ever took place in Washington. Mrs. Lincoln was not present at the funeral, and it is stated that she has not even seen her husband’s corpse since the morning of his death.

The remains of President LINCOLN are to leave Washington this (Friday) morning for Springfield, Illinois, for internment. – The funeral train will go by the way of Baltimore, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, New York, Albany, Buffalo, Cleveland and Chicago, reaching Springfield at 8 A.M. on Wednesday, May 2d.


long way to his long home

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“too noble a mind”

Lincoln portrait (

sacrificed for “his country’s Unity and Freedom!”

His was too noble a mind to indulge in a spirit of retaliation or revenge.

I think the following might have been published on April 21, 1865. It seems that the editors thought it was still possible that Secretary Seward would die from his wounds and that some Confederate leaders were somewhat involved in the plot.

From a Seneca County, New York newspaper in 1865:


Its Object and its Fruits.

Last week we rejoiced in common with our readers over the overthrow of the great army of the Rebellion and the prospect of a speedy return to unity and peace. To-day we mourn with them over a dispensation of Providence that has deprived the nation of its great head, and the people the services of one of the greatest and best of men. – ABRAHAM LINCOLN is no more! He whom the loyal people of this Republic had to come to regard with a feeling of love and gratitude, scarcely second in intensity to the emotions with which they revere and cherish the memory of the “Father of his Country,” has fallen, a sacrifice upon the altar of his country’s Unity and Freedom! While in the vigor of manhood, his mental powers and energies not yet having passed their zenith, and while devoting his faculties of both body and mind to his country’s welfare, he is stricken down by the hand of a base and dastardly assassin, while seeking in an hour’s public recreation a slight relaxation from the anxieties and cares of his responsible position. History furnishes not a parallel to the infamy and ingratitude of the deed. It was committed without the slightest, for although the victim had been the special object of Rebel scorn and anathemas from the breaking out of the Rebellion, he has never manifested towards his enemies feelings other than those of kindness and charity. His was too noble a mind to indulge in a spirit of retaliation or revenge. His greatest fault, if fault he had, was the exhibition of too much leniency in cases where severe and condign penalties seemed to be demanded. And for this goodness of heart he has received such a reward as “Southern Chivalry” is wont to mete out. The act is in perfect keeping with the character of the Rebellion from its inception. – The same spirit that seeks to destroy the best Government upon the earth because it could no longer use it in the furtherance of its hellish purposes, would, had it the power, strip the stars from Heaven and palsy the hand of Providence stretched out for its relief, could it thereby glut its mad ambition and satiate its revengeful thirst.

Liberty and Union forever. Song, on the death of president Abraham Lincoln. By Silas S. Steele. [J. Magee, 316 Chesnut St., Phila.] [c. 1865]  (LOC:

“Let his Counsel still be nigh”

But a nobler feeling than that of indignation or revenge actuates the people in this their hour of deep affliction. They mourn the loss of their beloved President as that of a father and a friend. The sable drapery with which they seek to symbolize their grief, is but a public emblem of the deep anguish of their souls. An honest, faithful and patriotic ruler has gone to his long home and “the mourners go about the streets!” But while they thus mourn, they breathe the firm and unanimous resolve, all the more firm and unanimous because of the depth of their grief, that this Union must and shall be preserved, and that the fell and imperious monster that, after having caused the noblest blood of the Nation to flow for four long years still demands such lofty sacrifice as the life of the President of the Republic and that of his worthy compeer, the Secretary of State, as well as other heads of Departments whose assassination was doubtless intended, shall be eradicated, root and branch, from the land, and that the motto “LIBERTY AND UNION, now and forever, one and inseparable,” shall be, not nominally merely, but literally, and in very fact and deed, the watchword of the Nation!

Liberty MO mourns (LOC:

sable drapery in Liberty, Missouri, too

The portrait of Abraham Lincoln is from WPClipart. The Liberty and Union song is credited to the Library of Congress, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, America Singing: Nineteenth-Century Song Sheets. The Liberty, Missouri mayor’s proclamation is credited to the Library of Congress, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Alfred Whital Stern Collection of Lincolniana
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Everybody Loves Abraham

From a Seneca County, New York newspaper in April 1865:

THE REBEL PRISONERS AT ELMIRA. – It is stated that the rebel prisoners at Elmira were keenly affected by the news of Mr. Lincoln’s assassination, and requested permission to make some outward demonstration. A flag was therefor loaned them, which they displayed over their quarters at half mast.

The Flag is at halfmast (LOC:

even with the rebel prisoners ( Library of Congress, Music Division.)

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not indispensable

Oil Painting of Mortally Wounded Abraham Lincoln Moved from Ford's Theatre (Oil painting of mortally wounded Abraham Lincoln as he is moved from Ford's Theatre, Washington, D.C. (Photographs in the Carol M. Highsmith Archive, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.)

“Oil Painting of Mortally Wounded Abraham Lincoln Moved from Ford’s Theatre” (Photographs in the Carol M. Highsmith Archive, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.)

Our great leader is dead, but our “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

From The New-York Times April 17, 1865:

The Effect of President Lincoln’s Death on National Affairs.

The death of President LINCOLN naturally excites universal and profound solicitude as to the immediate future of the country. He has been so marked a figure in the terrible events of the last four years, the action of the government in its contest with the rebellion has been so stamped by the impress of his personal character, and he had come to have so strong a hold upon the confidence and love of the whole people, without distinction of party, that his sudden removal from the stage of events naturally excites anxiety and apprehension in the public mind. He does, indeed, seem to have been needed to close the great work of pacification which he had so well begun.

Death of Lincoln (By Alexander hay ritchie, c1875; LOC:  LC-DIG-pga-02496)

“Death of Lincoln” (Libary of Congress)

Nevertheless, it is well to remember that the peculiar nature of our institutions makes it impossible that any one man should be absolutely indispensable to their preservation and successful working. Our government is of the people. They not only elect our rulers, but their spirit, their temper, their will pervade and control all the acts and all the measures of the government. Whoever dies, the people live, and the government lives also. If the Emperor NAPOLEON had been assassinated, all France would have been in revolution before twenty-four hours had passed away. President LINCOLN’s death, sudden and awful as it was — though it removes him in an instant from the most important and conspicuous position held by any living man, — does not interrupt for an instant the grand movement of our republican government. So far from exciting revolution, it only unites the whole people, more thoroughly than ever, in a common sentiment of devotion to the country and of profound grief for the great calamity that has fallen upon it. All party rancor is hushed. Political strife has ceased. All men of all parties, feeling a common interest and a common grief, stand together in support of the nation and of the man thus suddenly charged with the execution of the people’s will.

The current of events will continue to dictate the policy of the government, as it has done hitherto. The rebellion is already substantially crushed. The war, to all intents and purposes, is closed. There is nothing in the death of Mr. LINCOLN which can raise new armies for the rebel service or inspire new hopes for the rebel cause. No portion of the Southern people will be stimulated by it to renew the struggle. The same great Generals who have given our flag victory are still at the head of our armies and the act of an assassin has so fired the loyal heart of the nation, that those armies can be doubled in number if the necessity should arise. But it will not arise. The blow which has aroused the North will paralyze the South. The rebels will see in it nothing encouraging to their cause, nothing inciting them to new exertions on its behalf.

Andrew Johnson taking the oath of office in the small parlor of the Kirkwood House [Hotel], Washington, [April 15, 1865] (Illus. in: Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper, v. 21, 1866 Jan. 6, p. 245.)

“Andrew Johnson taking the oath of office in the small parlor of the Kirkwood House [Hotel], Washington, [April 15, 1865” (Library of Congress)

In President JOHNSON, moreover, the country has a man of courage, of sound judgment and of a patriotism which has stood the test of the most terrible trials. His sympathies are with the people, and all his action will be for their good. He will respond to their sentiments and will execute their will. Nor will he be unmindful of the fact that the general line of policy which ABRAHAM LINCOLN was carrying out, when arrested by the murderer’s blow, commanded the hearty and universal approbation of the great mass of the American people. No man ever came suddenly to power with a plainer path before him than that which lies before the new President. And no one need fear for a moment that the rebellion is to gain anything by the death of President LINCOLN or by the accession to power of ANDREW JOHNSON as his successor.

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John Wilkes Booth ( LC-USZ62-25166)

“This man BOOTH”

John Wilkes Booth was identified by a hat and a spur he left behind at the crime scene.

From The New-York Times April 16, 1865:

THE ASSASSINATION.; Additional Details of the Lamentable Event.

WASHINGTON, Saturday, April 15.

The assassin of President LINCOLN left behind him his hat and a spur.

The hat was picked up in the President’s box and has been identified by parties to whom it has been shown as the the belonging to the suspected man, and accurately described as the one belonging to the suspected man by other parties, not allowed to see it before describing it.

The spur was dropped upon the stage, and that also has been identified as the one procured at a stable where the same man hired a horse in the evening.

Booth's Spur (by Carol M. Highsmith; LOC:

Booth’s spur (photo by Carol M. Highsmith; Library of Congress)

Two gentlemen who went to the Secretary of War to apprize him of the attack on Mr. LINCOLN met at the residence of the former a man muffled in a cloak, who, when accosted by them, hastened away.

It had been Mr. STANTON’s intention to accompany Mr. LINCOLN to the theatre, and occupy the same box, but the press of business prevented.

It therefore seems evident that the aim of the plotters was to paralyze the country by at once striking down the head, the heart and the arm of the country.

As soon as the dreadful events were announced in the streets, Superintendent RICHARDS, and his assistants, were at work to discover the assassin.

In a few moments the telegraph had aroused, the whole police force of the city.

Ford's Theatre, scene of the assassination

“Ford’s Theatre, scene of the assassination” (1865; Library of Congress)

Maj. WALLACH and several members of the City Government were soon on the spot and every precaution was taken to preserve order and quiet in the city.

Every street in Washington was patrolled at the request of Mr. RICHARDS.

Gen. AUGUE sent horses, to mount the police.

Every road leading out of Washington was strongly picketed, and every possible avenue of escape was thoroughly guarded.

Steamboats about to depart down the Potomac were stopped.

DC-Police-Blotter-4-14-1865-evening (


The Daily Chronicle says:

“As it is suspected that this conspiracy originated in Maryland, the telegraph flashed the mournful news to Baltimore and all the cavalry was immediately put upon active duty. Every road was picketed and every precaution taken to prevent the escape of the assassin. A preliminary examination was made by Messrs. RICHARDS and his assistants. Several persons were called to testify and the evidence as elicited before an informal tribunal, and not under oath, was conclusive to this point. The murderer of President LINCOLN was JOHN WILKES BOOTH. His hat was found in the private box, and identified by several persons who had seen him within the last two days, and the spur which he dropped by accident, after he jumped to the stage, was identified as one of those which he had obtained from the stable where he hired his horse.

This man BOOTH has played more than once at Ford’s Theatre, and is, of course, acquainted with its exits and entrances, and the facility with which he escaped behind the scenes is well understood.

The person who assassinated Secretary SEWARD left behind him a slouched hat and an old rusty navy revolver. The chambers were broken loose from the barrel, as if done by striking. The loads were drawn from the chambers, one being but a rough piece of lead, and the other balls smaller than the chambers, wrapped in paper, as if to keep them from falling out.

A Seneca County, New York newspaper also published most the preceding article and then followed in the same column with:

[Derringer gun John Wilkes Booth used to assassinate Abraham Lincoln.] Artifact in the museum collection, National Park Service, Ford's Theatre National Historic Site, Washington, D.C.  (LOC:

the assassin’s derringer (by Carol M. Highsmith; Library of Congress)


The extra Star has the following:

Developments have been made within the last twenty-four hours showing conclusively the existence of a deep laid plot on the part of a gang of conspirators including members of the Order of the “Knights of the Golden Circle,” to murder President Lincoln and his cabinet. We have reason to believe that Secretary Seward received intimation several months since from Europe that some thing of a desperate character was to transpire at Washington, and it is more than probable that the intimation had reference to the plot of assassination.

The pickets encircling this city on Friday night to prevent the escape of the parties who murdered President Lincoln and attempted the assassination of Secretary Seward and his sons, were fired upon at several places by concealed foes. Arrest of the parties charged with the offence will be promptly made.

A number of rebel officers who arrived here this morning by the mail boat from City Point, asked permission to take the oath of allegiance, which request was not granted for the present, and they were committed to Old Capitol Prison.

NY Herald 4-15-1865

NY Herald 4-15-1865

It was ascertained several weeks ago, by personal friends of the President, that he had received several private letters warning him that an attempt would be made upon his life; but to this he did not seem to attach much, if any importance. It has always been thought that he was not sufficiently careful for his individual safety in his last visit to Virginia. It is known that on frequent he would start from the Executive mansion for his summer residence at the Soldier’s Home, without the usual cavalry escort, which soon hurried and overtook him before he had proceeded far. It has always been understood that escort has been accepted by him only on the importunity of his friends as a matter of precaution. The President, before retiring to bed, would, when important military events were progressing, visit the War Department alone, passing over the dark intervening ground even at late hours on repeated occasions; and after the warning letters had been received, Seward, Chase, and intimate friends, armed for any emergency, were determined that he should not continue his visits without their company. For himself, the President seemed to have no fears.

It didn’t take long for the authorities to figure out that John Wilkes Booth was the culprit:

The EveningTelegraph 4-15-1865gif

The Evening Telegraph 4-15-1865 (Philadelphia)

You can pretty much read Philadelphia’s The Evening Telegraph of April 15, 1865 at the Library of Congress and get another look at the DC police blotter from the evening of April 14th at the National Archives.

Washington, D.C., April, 1865

“Washington, D.C., April, 1865” (Library of Congress)

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“the worst blow the confederacy has yet had”

New York Times 4-16-1865

New York Times 4-16-1865

From a Seneca County, New York newspaper in 1865:

WASHINGTON, April 15 – 11 A.M.

At 20 minutes past 7 o’clock the President breathed his last, closing his eyes as if falling asleep, and his countenance assuming an expression of perfect serenity. There were no indications of pain, and it was not known that he dead until the gradually decreasing respiration ceased altogether.

The Rev. Dr. Gurley, of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, immediately on its being ascertained that life was extinct, knelt at the bedside and offered an impressive prayer which was responded to by all present.

Dr. Gurley then proceeded to the front parlor, where Mrs. Lincoln, capt. Robert Lincoln, Mrs. John hay, the Private Secretary’s wife, and others were waiting, when he again offered a prayer for the consolation of the family.


President Lincoln and wife, with other friends, this evening visited Ford’s Theatre for the purpose of witnessing the performance of the “American Cousin.”

It was announced in the papers that Gen. Grant would also be present, but he took the late train of cars for New Jersey.

The theatre was densely crowded, and everybody seemed delighted with the scene before them. During the third act, and while there was a pause for one of the actors to enter, a sharp report of a pistol was heard, which merely attracted attention, but suggesting nothing serious, until a man rushed to the front of the President’s box, waving a dagger in his right hand, and exclaiming, “Sic semper tyrannis,” and immediately leaped from the box, which was in the second tier, to the stage beneath, and ran across to the opposite side, making his escape amid the bewilderment of the audience from the rear of the theatre, and mounting a horse, fled.

The screams of Mrs. Lincoln first disclosed to the audience that the President had been shot, when all present rose to their feet, rushing towards the stage, many exclaiming “Hang him! hang him!”

Lincoln_box by Steve Woolf

in the third act

The excitement was of the wildest possible description, and of course there was an abrupt termination of the theatrical performance.

There was a rush towards the President’s box, when cries were heard: “Stand back and give him air.” “Has any one stimulants.” On a hasty examination, it was found that the President had been shot through the head, above and back of the temporal bone, and that some of the brains were oozing out. He was removed to a private house opposite to the theatre, and the Surgeon-General of the army, and other surgeons sent for to attend to his condition.

"Washington, D.C. Rocking chair used by President Lincoln in Ford's Theater" (Library of Congress)

“Washington, D.C. Rocking chair used by President Lincoln in Ford’s Theater” (Library of Congress)

On the examination of the private box blood was discovered on the back of the cushioned rocking chair on which the President had been sitting, also on the partition and on the floor. A common single-barreled pocket pistol was found on the carpet. A military guard was placed in front of the private residence to which the President had been conveyed. An immense crowed [sic] was in front of it, all deeply anxious to learn the condition of the President. It had been previously announced that the wound was mortal; but all hoped otherwise. The shock to the community was terrible.

The President was in a state of snycope, totally insensible, and breathing slowly. –

Later that day General Lee returned to his Richmond home. From a Seneca County, New York newspaper in 1865:

Arrival of Gen. Lee in Richmond.

Gen'l. Robt. E. Lee and staff (1865 April 16; LOC: LC-DIG-ppmsca-31663)

“most splendid specimen of a soldier and gentleman”

Gen. Robert E. Lee arrived in Richmond on the afternoon of the 15th. The first intimation of the arrival was the call made upon Lieut. H.S. Merrell, Post Quartermaster at Richmond, for forage and stabling for twenty horses in behalf of Gen. Lee. Shortly after three o’clock the General arrived on the pontoon bridge that spans the James between Richmond and Manchester. Here an immense crowd had collected to receive him, and he was greeted with cheers upon cheers, the acclamations of the people, so generously and heartily bestowed, visibly affecting him. – As he passed the Union officers they raised their caps. As he proceeded along the streets to hid residence in Franklin street, the crowd increased in numbers, and the cheers grew louder. The General was accompanied by five members of his staff, Gen. Lee and all wearing swords. As he dismounted at his residence, the thousands [of] people who surrounded him again greet[ed] him with acclaims, and so many as could [get] near his person, shook him by the hand. [The] good feeling in relation to Gen. Lee [w]as common among both Unionists and Rebels, and was fully shared in by all. – Gen. Lee looked exceedingly robust, and is certainly a most splendid specimen of a soldier and gentleman, with fair forehead, grey hair, bronzed countenance and military beard. He will doubtless see the military dignitaries here quietly, before he leaves the city again – the taking place of which latter event is now positively known.
Richmond Cor. Herald.

At least one observer said it was a quieter celebration of Robert E. Lee’s arrival. Gene Smith [1]quotes T.C. DeLeon: “There was no excitement, no hurrahing; but, as the great chief passed, a deep, loving murmur, greater than these, arose from the very hearts of the crowd. Taking off his hat and simply bowing his head, the man great in adversity passed silently to his own door; it closed upon him, and his people had seem him for the last time in his battle harness.”

Apparently the news of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln got to Richmond during the evening of the 15th. From a Seneca County, New York newspaper in 1865:

How the News was Received in Richmond.

The Richmond correspondent of the World says that on Saturday evening at 9 o’clock, Gen. Ord, commanding at Richmond, and Gens. Ould and Mumford, rebel and Federal commissioners of exchange, were sitting in the room of Colonel John W. Forney in the Spottswood Hotel, when a telegraph message was handed in conveying the intelligence of the President’s death. The three Northern gentlemen were demonstrative in alternate bursts of incredulity, anguish, and indignation; but Ould said:

“That is the worst blow the confederacy has yet had; Lee’s surrender is nothing to it.”

The people in Richmond are already anxious to express their disapprobation of the assassination, while the more radical officers are overzealous to saddle upon the state, in advance of fuller corroboration, the whole responsibility of the deed. Mr. Hunter, ex-Senator, has left the town post-haste, and Judge Campbell also expresses a desire to be out of the lowering atmosphere. It is not the best news in the world for General Lee, who galloped into Richmond on Saturday with a full staff, and has spent the night in close reticence.

"Richard Stoddert Ewell, 1817-1872, bust portrait, facing right; in uniform. CSA general" (Library of Congress)

“Richard Stoddert Ewell, 1817-1872, bust portrait, facing right; in uniform. CSA general” (Library of Congress)

Old Bald Head learned of the Lincoln assassination in New York City. From a Seneca County, New York newspaper in April 1865:

The rebel Gen. Ewell, who took command of Stonewall Jackson’s Division after the death of that General, is now held by our authorities as a prisoner of war. Saturday morning he passed through New York on his way to Fort Warren. “While breakfasting in the Soldier’s Rest, in 4th avenue, he was told of the assassination of Mr. Lincoln, and not only expressed his deep regret, but seemed to be painfully affected by what he deemed was the most afflicting intelligence the South could now hear.”

According to the Library of Congress the photograph of Robert E. L was taken on April 16, 1865 and “n verso: General Robert E. Lee seated between his son, G. W. C. (Custis) Lee on his right and Lt. Colonel Walter H. Taylor on his staff. This picture taken by Brady in 1865 in the basement below the back porch of Lee’s Franklin Street home in Richmond, Virginia”
Steve Woolf’s depiction of the assassination is licensed by Creative Commons
Some Seneca County newspaper clippings on Lincoln’s assassination and death present the same thick black boundaries between columns as in the New-York Times below. The Times of April 16th featured sort of a continual recap of the President Lincoln’s respiration and pulse rates from 11 PM on the 14th to 7:22 AM on the 15th.
NY Times 4-16-1865

NY Times 4-16-1865

  1. [1]Smith, Eugene O. Lee and Grant, A Dual Biography. New York: Promontory Press, 1984. Print. page 282.
Posted in 150 Years Ago This Week, Confederate States of America, Reconstruction, Southern Society | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment


It was supposed to be a very good Good Friday, at least for the Union. In a celebratory ceremony 150 years ago today Robert Anderson raised the old Union flag from April 1861 over Fort Sumter, which was once again in Federal hands. However, a Democratic paper in upstate New York objected to leading abolitionists attending the event on the Government’s dime. Why should the people who caused the war and denigrated the Union be allowed to lead the celebration of the North’s successes? The editorial closed by looking forward to eventual vengeance against the abolitionists.

"Charleston, South Carolina. Flag-raising ceremony at Fort Sumter. Arrival of Gen. Robert Anderson and guests" (Library of Congress)

“Charleston, South Carolina. Flag-raising ceremony at Fort Sumter. Arrival of Gen. Robert Anderson and guests” (Library of Congress)

From a Seneca County, New York newspaper in April 1865:

The authorities at Washington have resolved to commemorate this day (April 14th.,) by re-elevating over the walls of Fort Sumter the flag which four years ago was surrendered to the power of the boasted Southern Confederacy. To this end government vessels were fitted up and all the leading abolition agitators of the North invited to be present, at government expense, and assist on the occasion. The raising of the “old flag” over Sumter is well enough, perhaps, but to invite George Thompson, William Lloyd Garrison and Henry Ward Beecher, to be prominent actors of the occasion, is an insult to the pride and patriotism of the American people. George Thompson is the English abolitionist, who first helped to awaken here the sectional animosity which finally led to civil war. And he, in company with Lloyd Garrison and Ward Beecher and other noted abolitionist [sic] – men who, with the New York Tribune, denominated the American banner “hate’s polluted rag” are chosen by the authorities to share the exclusive privilege, at government expense, of re-elevating the “old flag” over the ruins of conquered Charleston. These very men, who openly proclaimed that flag a “flaunting lie,” and who called upon every man to trail it in the dust, are the ones selected to shout hosannas over Union victories, which better men did so much, and which they did nothing whatever with their right arms to secure! But so it is, and the people must wait for the disappearance of the “Southern Confederacy” from the scene, before they turn upon the Beechers and the Garrisons, their vengeance for all the horrors and sufferings of the past four years.

A Confederate sympathizer from Maryland didn’t wait that long to put a bullet-hole in the head of Abraham Lincoln. The President was successfully coercing the rebel states back into the Union. If Mr. Lincoln was not the most publicly rabid of abolitionists, he had certainly become, during the course of the war, the Emancipator-in-Chief.

During the evening of April 14, 1865 President and Mrs. Lincoln made their way Ford’s Theatre to enjoy a play. Once in the presidential box the President held Mary’s hand:

Pleased by the attention he had shown her on their carriage ride that afternoon, and now by this further expression of affection, Mary Lincoln reverted to her old role of Kentucky belle. “What will Miss Harris think of my hanging onto you so?” she whispered, leaning toward him. Lincoln’s eyes fixed on the stage, reflected the glow of the footlights. “Why, she will think nothing about it,” he said, and he kept his grip on her and.

Act I ended; Act II began. Down in Charleston the banqueters raised their glasses in response to Anderson’s toast, and here at Ford’s, in an equally festive mood, the audience enjoyed Our American Cousin with only occasional sidelong glances at the State box to see whether Grant had arrived. … Act II ended; Act III began. Lincoln, having at last released his wife’s hand and settled back in the horsehair rocker, seemed to be enjoying what was happening down below. … [lines in the play]

Then it came, a half-muffled explosion, somewhere between a boom and a thump, loud but by no means so loud as it sounded in the theater, then a boil and bulge of bluish smoke in the presidential box …[1]

Apparently the first part of the following article is lost to the ages. From a Seneca County, New York newspaper in 1865:

NY Times 4-15-1865

NY Times 4-15-1865

The blood oozed from the wound at the back of his head. The surgeons exhausted every effort of medical skills, but all hope was gone. The parting of his family with the dying President is too sad for description.

By midnight, the Cabinet, with Messrs. Sumner, Colfax and Farnsworth, Judge Curtis, Gov. Oglesby, Gen. Meigs, Col. Hay and a few personal friends, with Surgeon-General Barnes and his immediate assistants, were around his bedside.

The President and Mrs. Lincoln did not start for the theatre until fifteen minutes after eight o’clock. Speaker Colfax was at the White House at the time, and the President stated to him that he was going, although Mrs. Lincoln had not been well, because the papers had announced that General Grant and they were to be present, and, as Gen. Grant had gone North, he did not wish the audience to be disappointed.

He went with apparent reluctance and urged Mr. Colfax to go with him; but that gentleman had made other arrangements, and with Mr. Ashman [Ashmun?], of Massachusetts, bid him good bye.

When the excitement at the theatre was at its wildest height, reports were circulated that Secretary Seward had also been assassinated.

On reaching this gentleman’s residence a crowd and a military guard were found at the door, and on entering it was ascertained that the report was based on truth.

Everybody there was so excited that scarcely an intelligible word could be gathered, but the facts are substantially as follows:

At about 10 o’clock a man rang the bell, and the call having been answered by the colored servant, he said he had come from Dr. Verdi, Secretary Seward’s family physician, with a prescription, at the same time holding in his hand a small piece of folded paper, and saying in answer to a refusal that he must see the Secretary, as he was entrusted with particular directions concerning the medicine.

He still insisted on going up, although repeatedly informed that no one could enter the chamber. The man pushed the servant aside, and walked heavily towards the Secretary’s room, and was then met by Mr. Frederick Seward, of whom he demanded to see the Secretary, making the same representation which he did to the servant. What further passed in the colloquy is not known, but the man struck him on the head with a “billy,” severely injuring the skull and felling him almost senseless. The assassin then rushed into the chamber and attacked Major Seward, Paymaster of the United States army and Mr. Hansell, a messenger of the State Department and two male nurses, disabling them all, he then rushed upon the secretary, who was lying in bed in the same room, and inflicted three stabs in the neck, but severing, it is thought and hoped, no arteries, though he bled profusely.

The assassin then rushed down stairs, mounted his horse at the door, and rode off before an alarm could be sounded, and in the same manner as the assassin of the President.

It is believe [sic] that the injuries of the Secretary are not fatal, nor those of either of the others, although the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary are very seriously injured.

Secretary Stanton and Wells, and other prominent officers of the Government, called at Secretary Seward’s house to inquire into his condition, and there heard of the assassination of the President.

They then proceeded to the house where he was lying, exhibiting of course intense anxiety and solicitude. An immense crowd was gathered in front of the President’s house and a strong guard was also stationed there, many persons evidently he would be brought to his home.

The entire city tonight presents a scene of wild excitement, accompanied by violent expressions indignation, and the profoundest sorrow – many shed tears. The military authorities have despatched mounted patrols in every direction in order if possible to arrest the assassins.The whole Metropolitan police are likewise vigilant for the same purpose.

The attack, both at the theatre and at Secretary Seward’s house, took place at about the same hour – 10 o’clock – tus showing a preconcerted plan to assassinate these genmen [sic].

Assassination of President Lincoln, Ford's Theatre, Washington, April 14, 1865 (LOC: LC-USZ62-4608)

“The blood oozed from the wound at the back of his head. “

  1. [1]Foote, Shelby. The Civil War, A Narrative. Vol. 3. Red River to Appomattox. New York: Random House, 1986. Print. page 979-980.
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