“live in legend and story”


From a Seneca County, New York newspaper in June 1865:

Our Returning Soldiers.

Regiment by regiment the gallant soldiers who have by their heroism and fortitude saved saved our common Government are returning home. They come to lay aside the implements of war and resume their places as citizens. They have nobly done their work as soldiers and now they quietly leave the profession to which they have added a new lustre, and take up again their old vocations or enter upon new spheres of duty. No soldiers ever earned a more honorable repose. They have fought with an unparalleled energy and determination, and their intrepid courage and unwavering fortitude have commanded the admiration of the world. They have suffered and endured without a murmur, knowing that their imperiled Government had need of heavy sacrifices, and their unswerving fidelity has entitled them to the laurel wreath of honor.

Let these brave fellows – heroes of many a hard-fought battle field, which will live in legend and story as long as the race lives – who return to us bronzed with the exposure of camp and bivouac – with ranks fearfully shattered and rent – meet with a warm, hearty, enthusiastic welcome. And though they return with a rollicking spirit and that freedom which they have learned amid the stern conflicts of martial strife, they should be none the less gratefully received.

In pathetic contrast is their return to their going out, when their ranks were full, their uniforms bright, and their hearts all aglow with wild visions of the “pomp and circumstance of glorious war.” Many, very many, of their number have found soldiers graves, unmarked and unknown; some have wasted in hospitals and from thence wandered forth into the valley of the shadow. To their companions who return, the public owe a lasting debt of love and gratitude. Their signal services have entitled them to the highest consideration, and let us see that they receive their full reward.

I copied that over Saturday afternoon at the Seneca Falls library. Returning home I discovered that Eric at Civil War Daily Gazette had crossed his finish line. I remember that when the site started out Eric wondered if he’d be able to publish a daily article for the duration of the war – longer in fact than most students attend college to earn a Bachelor’s degree (and I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t have to turn in a paper every day).

Congratulations to Eric on his success. I thought of the above article when I read that the Gazette had accomplished its mission. Eric did help keep the history of the Civil War alive by telling a factual story of the conflict day-by-day for pretty nearly 55 straight months.

I respect Eric’s achievement and can only imagine the hard work and endurance required to pull it off. I’m not sure if the Gazette itself will “live in legend and story,” but the comments of his readers on that last post show how much his web site was truly appreciated. The publishers of the “Daily News” sites to the right probably did need a lot of the qualities of the soldiers praised in the above article – like commitment and fortitude.

Thanks for helping your readers understand how the war “did really happen.” Good luck on your future endeavors!

I shall be content if those shall pronounce my History useful who desire to give a view of events as they did really happen, and as they are very likely, in accordance with human nature, to repeat themselves at some future time – if not exactly the same, yet very similar.

THUCYDIDES: Historia, bk. 1. [1]

This is the plaster cast bust currently in exposition of Zurab Tsereteli's gallery in Moscow (part of Russian Academy of Arts), formerly from the collection of castings of Pushkin museum made in early 1900-1910s.  Original bust is a Roman copy (c. 100 CE) of an early 4th Century BCE Greek original, and is located in Holkham Hall in Norfolk, UK.

committed to scientific history

Judah P. Benjamin, Senator from Louisiana, half-length portrait (ca. 1856; LOC: LC-DIG-ppmsca-05642)

‘tickled pink by your site, Eric”

The image of Thucydides is licensed by Creative Commons
WPClipart provides the image of the laurel wreath
  1. [1]Seldes, George, compiler. The Great Quotations. 1960. New York: Pocket Books, 1967. Print. page 478.
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shotgun shorts

Grant's tobacco / The Graphic Co. lith., N.Y.  (c.1874; LOC: http://www.loc.gov/item/96507231/)

Beware of Trojans sending gifts (c.1874, Library of Congress)

This article would have been published earlier than May 30, 1865 because even folks up here in New York state would already have known that Jefferson Davis was captured.

From a Seneca County, New York newspaper in May 1865:

The first man killed in the late war was Daniel How, of New York, at Fort Sumter in 1861, by premature discharge of a gun. His name has been frequently and erroneously reported as Hough.

Some citizens of Troy on Saturday last forwarded to General Grant a present that will “take his fancy.” It is a box of cigars, 100 in numder [sic], of the finest brand, and costing $100. Each cigar has a paper holder, and the box itself is got up “regardless of expense.”

The Washington Intelligencer of Wednesday, says the government has thirty-three millions of gold on hand. It is known that the government is prepared to pay the coin interest due in July.

The Rochester Union mentions it as a note-worthy fact that President Johnson’s appointments of assessors and collectors for Virginia, are in every instance Virginians. The ultra radical plan of Sumner &Co., was to fill all these places with “patriots” from the North.

William T. Sherman (between 1860 and 1870; LOC: http://www.loc.gov/item/cwp2003003502/PP/)

be like Napoleon

Large numbers of army and navy officers are daily sending their resignations to their respective departments, which accept them as fast as received.

Gen. Sherman captured more cannon without a battle than Napoleon ever took in any three of his heaviest battles.

The Grand Chapter of Free Masons of the State of Maine have voted the sum of $300 to Dr. Mackey of Charleston for his great service to the Union prisoners during the war.

Jef. Davis’s whereabouts are still a mystery. At key West, on the 1st inst., there was a rumor that he was making for the Florida Coast with a view to escape in a small vessel to Cuba.

Stanton’s odious censorship of the telegraph continues. He uses it to puff himself and his department and detract from his associates.

A Nevada paper says that at night the streets of Virginia City, in that State, resound with screams of women whose husbands are beating them.

The Western widows are calling indignation meetings with reference to the advent of Massachusetts girls. The male persuasion is too scarce for the home market.

Miss Anna E. Dickinson has sent $922,36, the proceeds of one of her lectures at the Philadelphia Academy of Music, to the Mayor of that city, to be added to the fund for the erection of a monument to President Lincoln.

“How long will it take me to go to Richmond?” asked an eager officer at City Point of a veteran brigadier holding command there, soon after we got the good news. “I can’t say how long it will take you, was the answer; it has taken me three years and eleven months.

Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with double barrel shotgun, Bowie knife, and two pistols (between 1861 and 1865; LOC: http://www.loc.gov/item/2015645466/)

“Unidentified soldier in Confederate uniform with double barrel shotgun, Bowie knife, and two pistols” (Library of Congress)

No portraits of Booth, or any rebel officer or soldier are to be exposed for sale in the middle military division, by order of Major General Wallace.

A couple of scoundrels in Burlington county, N.J., have been collecting subscription [sic] for a monument to President Lincoln, and pocketing them.

General Grant has ordered Major General Dana, commanding the Department of the Mississippi, to report at his place of residence, and appointed Gen. Warren to that command.

150 years later we now know that Daniel How’s real name was Daniel Hough, apparently.

Cigars probably helped General Grant endure the war; they almost certainly contributed to his terminal throat cancer.

Another short clipping in the Seneca Falls, New York paper said that General Dana was under arrest in Vicksburg for his involvement in the Sultana Disaster, but he reportedly “resigned from the U.S. Army on May 27, 1865, and became a miner.”

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last step in Connecticut?

State Capitol Connecticut  (between 1861 and 1869; LOC: http://www.loc.gov/item/cwp2003005490/PP/)

“State Capitol Connecticut ” (c.1861, Library of Congress)

From the May 29, 1865 issue of The Chicago Times. (at the Library of Congress):

The legislature of Connecticut, now in session, has before it a proposition to amend the state constitution so as to give the right of voting to colored persons. It will probably pass without much opposition, as the only remaining step in the march of progress of the republican party.

You can read a July 7, 1865 clipping at University of Detroit Mercy that said Copperheads were going to battle against the proposed amendment. It compared Connecticut and New Hampshire to North and South Carolina, but praised New Hampshire’s indomitable John Parker Hale

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pay-roll pay-off

From a Seneca County, New York newspaper in May 1865:

The average pay due each soldier is $250, and the government is ready to pay off and discharge every man in both armies.

The friends of General Sherman and Secretary Stanton are endeavoring to restore amicable relations between them.

From a Seneca County, New York newspaper in 1865:

POCKET – PATRIOTS – – We had one million one hundred and twenty-five thousand men on the army pay-roll when the war closed.

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Loyalty in New York

Hon. Wm. Irvine of N.Y. (between 1855 and 1865; LOC: LC-DIG-cwpbh-02415)

William Irvine

From a Seneca County, New York newspaper in 1865:

What New York has Done.

What New York has done in contributions of men and money to sustain the cause of the Union has never been fully and fairly stated. The chapter is yet unwritten. One testimony to its services, however, is rendered in the following letter to Adjutant-General IRVINE from Quartermaster General MEIGS: –


WASHINGTON,D,C., May 27, 1865.

Genera[l] William Irvine, Adjutant General
State of New York, Albany N.Y. :

Montgomery C. Meigs, bust portrait, facing slightly right, wearing military uniform (1865, printed later; LOC: LC-DIG-ppmsca-07784)

Thanks for the good work, New York

General: – Accept my thanks for the copy you were pleased to send me of the Report of the Adjutant General of the State of New York for the year 1864.

Your State has a proud record, having furnished within four years nearly half a million of men, with a promptitude and efficiency worthy of the highest praise.

The suggestions of your predecessor, as to proper rewards for the patriotic men who have periled their lives, and for the widows and orphans of those who have fallen in defense of the Union, deserve proper consideration from the National as well as State authorities.

I am, very respectfully, your obd’t serv’t,

[signed] M.C. MEIGS,
Q.M. Gen., Bvt. Maj. Gen.

William Irvine served as Lieutenant colonel of the 10th New York volunteer Cavalry for three years before his Adjutant General gig.

William Irvine from 10th New York Volunteer cavalry roster

William Irvine from 10th New York Volunteer cavalry roster

Civil War envelope showing Columbia, eagle, shield, state seal of New York, and banner with message "New York loyal to the Union (between 1861 and 1865; LOC: LC-DIG-ppmsca-34646)

pretty much loyal

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Democrats for the disabled

Grand Review of Army, Wash. D.C., May, 1865  (LOC: http://www.loc.gov/item/2013649000/)

heroes’ welcome, at least in D.C. in May(“Grand Review of Army, Wash. D.C., May, 1865” Library of Congress)

The The Grand Review of the Union armies occurred in Washington, D.C. on May 23rd and 24th. The soldiers would keep heading north to their homes and the next stage in their lives. The New-York Times promoted the government employment of veterans, especially those who were disabled. A Democrat paper (probably from Albany, New York) shared the concern for the disabled and saw an opportunity for The Democracy.

From a Seneca County, New York newspaper in May 1865:

How Shall the Returning Soldiers be Employed?

Unidentified soldier with amputated arm in Union uniform in front of painted backdrop showing cannon and cannonballs (between 1861 and 1865; LOC: LC-DIG-ppmsca-27369)

“Unidentified soldier with amputated arm in Union uniform in front of painted backdrop showing cannon and cannonballs” (between 1861 and 1865, Library of Congress)

The great problem before the country is how to employ the soldiers? The Evening Journal recommends them to go to “tilling the soil, to the workshop, &c.” Many of these poor fellows, alas, are wounded or disabled by fatigues and disease. They cannot meet the rugged work of farm and workshop. In the paper which makes this proposition is a list of sixty newly appointed office holders in this county, not one of whom is a soldier; yet the duty assigned to them was only to take a census of the county. Nearly 2,000 such officers are to be or have been appointed in the State. How many are returned soldiers? Few indeed we fear.

Gov. Fenton appointed Harbor Masters, Notaries, Commissioners, and a host of well paid officials. How many were taken from the scarred veterans of the field? – Not one. The organ of the office-holders bids them to be gone and dig. To the work shop or the workhouse with them! Greeley’s “Root Hog or Die,” – his benediction to the freed negroes – is equalled in brutality by the cool consignment of wounded men to the labors of the field, or the alternative of starvation!

The Democracy must take the matter in hand, and mend it, with other things. – Argus.

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free to vote?

"a natural solution in course of time"

“a natural solution in course of time”

150 years ago today President Johnson reportedly opined that the question of whether blacks should be allowed to vote in the South should be decided by loyal whites in the South.

From The New-York Times May 26, 1865:

The President on Negro Suffrage.

The President is reported to have yesterday given an opinion, to a deputation, on the question of negro suffrage, to the effect that it is a matter that may be safely left in the hands of the loyal white residents of the South. It is certainly a question which, in its primary bearings, chiefly affects the loyal citizens who will be brought into most direct contact with the negro population; who will in a measure be responsible for giving a profitable direction to negro labor, and who, above all, will be charged with the responsibility of placing the means of education within the reach of the vast neglected community set free by the war.

Richmond, Virginia. Group of Negroes ("Freedmen") by canal (1865; LOC: http://www.loc.gov/item/cwp2003005762/PP/)

“Richmond, Virginia. Group of Negroes (“Freedmen”) by canal” (1865, Library of Congress)

The President, of course, does not mean to indicate that the question of negro enfranchisement is not one of grave national interest, aside from its bearings on the industrial and social economy of particular sections. But, as we understand it, he takes the common-sense ground that loyal residents of the South, who have to live with the negro in his freed condition, may better be allowed to initiate measures for the further removal of negro disabilities, than speculative politicians living at a distance, and less familiar with the habits and wants and aspirations of the black people.

Negroes leaving the plough  (by Alfred R. Waud, Harper's Weekly, March 26, 1864; LOC: http://www.loc.gov/item/2004660106/)

ploughshares to swords (By Alfred R. Waud, Harper’s Weekly, March 26, 1864)

The matter is certainly not one to be disposed of by a sweeping decree, fulminated from the Executive Chamber without any regard to the peculiar interests of the sections most concerned, and irrespective of the organization of individual State authority now in progress. What the President doubtless aims at, is to see the people of the South, as distinct from the disloyal political managers, set to work, under the protection of the national authority, and recognize the new relation in which they stand to the negro population; and to do this as the first step toward reestablishing a proper relation between their separate State Governments and the supreme authority of the National Government. When that work is once set about — as it appears to be in Arkansas and North Carolina — in a loyal spirit, the question of negro suffrage will find a natural solution in course of time, without any arbitrary rule applied from without.

A far more pressing matter for the class concerned is that of well-directed and remunerative labor. This the negro is most likely to secure, not by creating antagonistic relations between him and the loyal citizens of another race, but by leaving to the natural agency of mutual self-interest to determine their relative status politically hereafter. This, we take it, is the theory which the President’s long and varied experience as a Southern citizen enables him to recommend.

Grand review of the great veteran armies of Grant and Sherman at Washington, on the 23d and 24th May, 1865. The Army of the Potomac. The stand in front of the President's house occupied by the President and cabinet, Grant and Sherman, and reviewing officers  (LOC: http://www.loc.gov/item/2011661095/)

President Johnson and other dignitaries at Grand Review (May 23/24, 1865)

The image of the ballot box is from WPClipart


Memorial day ceremony, 1923 (LOC: http://www.loc.gov/item/npc2008004732/)

“Memorial day ceremony, 1923” (Library of Congress)

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Congratulations to Allen Gathman at Seven Score and Ten for over 1750 consecutive daily posts and for a very well-deserved vacation!

Thanks to his example and support I found a niche and got somewhat close to filling it – most weeks I managed to post six days. Six out of seven ain’t real bad, but it’s not Seven Score and Ten and most of the other “Daily News” sites over to the right.

Thank you, Allen. This Sesquicentennial has been a great experience.

vincit qui patitur

Atlanta, Ga. Gen. William T. Sherman on horseback at Federal Fort No. 7 (by george N. Barnard, 1864; LOC: LC-DIG-cwpb-03628)

“tlanta, Ga. Gen. William T. Sherman on horseback at Federal Fort No. 7” (1864, Library of Congress)

Grand review, May 1865  (LOC: http://www.loc.gov/item/npc2008008825/)

“Grand review, May 1865 ” (Library of Congress)

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“A bark canoe in a tempest on mid-ocean”

Utica Morning Herald & Daily Gazette 5-22-1863

reprinted The Atlantic monthly piece (Utica Morning Herald & Daily Gazette 5-22-1863)

150 years ago this week the Utica Morning Herald & Daily Gazette (at the Library of Congress) devoted its front page to a reprint of an article that assessed Abraham Lincoln’s historical significance. The president did not seem up to the huge task of saving the Union upon taking office, but he was helped by the synergy that developed between him and the American people (Northern), who “showed strength and virtues which they were hardly conscious of possessing.” Mr. Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation was decisive for the successful conclusion of the war and to give him a place in universal history. Most of the piece recounted the history of slavery in America. Here’s mostly the conclusion from the June 1865 issue of The Atlantic Monthly:


Memento Mori

remember his achievements (Library of Congress)

The funeral procession of the late President of the United States has passed through the land from Washington to his final resting-place in the heart of the Prairies. Along the line of more than fifteen hundred miles his remains were borne, as it were, through continued lines of the people; and the number of mourners and the sincerity and unanimity of grief were such as never before attended the obsequies of a human being; so that the terrible catastrophe of his end hardly struck more awe than the majestic sorrow of the people. The thought of the individual was effaced; and men’s minds were drawn to the station which he filled, to his public career, to the principles he represented, to his martyrdom. There was at first impatience at the escape of his murderer, mixed with contempt for the wretch who was guilty of the crime; and there was relief in the consideration, that one whose personal insignificance was in such a contrast with the greatness of his crime had met with a sudden and ignoble death. No one stopped to remark on the personal qualities of Abraham Lincoln, except to wonder that his gentleness of nature had not saved him from the designs of assassins. It was thought then, and the event is still so recent it is thought now, that the analysis and graphic portraiture of his personal character and habits should be deferred to less excited times; as yet the attempt would wear the aspect of cruel indifference or levity, inconsistent with the sanctity of the occasion. Men ask one another only, Why has the President been struck down, and why do the people mourn? We think we pay the best tribute to his memory and the most fitting respect to his name, if we ask after the relation in which he stands to the history of his country and his fellow-man.

Before the end of 1865, it will have been two hundred and forty-six years since the first negro slaves were landed in Virginia from a Dutch trading-vessel,…

[Abraham Lincoln (4-17-1910; LOC: http://www.loc.gov/item/2004662221/)

“His temper was soft and gentle and yielding”

The position of Abraham Lincoln, on the day of his inauguration, was apparently one of helpless debility. A bark canoe in a tempest on mid-ocean seemed hardly less safe. The vital tradition of the country on Slavery no longer had its adequate expression in either of the two great political parties, and the Supreme Court had uprooted the old landmarks and guides. The men who had chosen him President did not constitute a consolidated party, and did not profess to represent either of the historic parties which had been engaged in the struggles of three quarters of a century. They were a heterogeneous body of men, of the most various political attachments in former years, and on many questions of economy of the most discordant opinions. Scarcely knowing each other, they did not form a numerical majority of the whole country, were in a minority in each branch of Congress except from the wilful absence of members, and they could not be sure of their own continuance as an organized body. They did not know their own position, and were startled by the consequences of their success. The new President himself was, according to his own description, a man of defective education, a lawyer by profession, knowing nothing of administration beyond having been master of a very small post-office, knowing nothing of war but as a captain of volunteers in a raid against an Indian chief, repeatedly a member of the Illinois Legislature, once a member of Congress. He spoke with ease and clearness, but not with eloquence. He wrote concisely and to the point, but was unskilled in the use of the pen. He had no accurate knowledge of the public defences of the country, no exact conception of its foreign relations, no comprehensive perception of his duties. The qualities of his nature were not suited to hardy action. His temper was soft and gentle and yielding; reluctant to refuse anything that presented itself to him as an act of kindness; loving to please and willing to confide; not trained to confine acts of good-will within the stern limits of duty. He was of the temperament called melancholic, scarcely concealed by an exterior of lightness of humor,—having a deep and fixed seriousness, jesting lips, and wanness of heart. And this man was summoned to stand up directly against a power with which Henry Clay had never directly grappled, before which Webster at last had quailed, which no President had offended and yet successfully administered the Government, to which each great political party had made concessions, to which in various measures of compromise the country had repeatedly capitulated, and with which he must now venture a struggle for the life or death of the nation.

Gen. Robert Edward Lee  (LOC: http://www.loc.gov/item/det1994002996/PP/)

but loyal to Virginia

The credit of the country had not fully recovered from the shock it had treacherously received in the former administration. A part of the navy-yards were intrusted to incompetent agents or enemies. The social spirit of the city of Washington was against him, and spies and enemies abounded in the circles of fashion. Every executive department swarmed with men of treasonable inclinations, so that it was uncertain where to rest for support. The army officers had been trained in unsound political principles. The chief of staff of the highest of the general officers, wearing the mask of loyalty, was a traitor at heart. The country was ungenerous towards the negro, who in truth was not in the least to blame,—was impatient that such a strife should have grown out of his condition, and wished that he were far away. On the side of prompt decision the advantage was with the Rebels; the President sought how to avoid war without compromising his duty; and the Rebels, who knew their own purpose, won incalculable advantages by the start which they thus gained. The country stood aghast, and would not believe in the full extent of the conspiracy to shatter it in pieces; men were uncertain if there would be a great uprising of the people. The President and his cabinet were in the midst of an enemy’s country and in personal danger, and at one time their connections with the North and West were cut off; and that very moment was chosen by the trusted chief of staff of the Lieutenant-General to go over to the enemy.

Every one remembers how this state of suspense was terminated by the uprising of a people who now showed strength and virtues which they were hardly conscious of possessing.

In some respects Abraham Lincoln was peculiarly fitted for his task, in connection with the movement of his countrymen. He was of the Northwest; and this time it was the Mississippi River, the needed outlet for the wealth of the Northwest, that did its part in asserting the necessity of Union. He was one of the mass of the people; he represented them, because he was of them; and the mass of the people, the class that lives and thrives by self-imposed labor, felt that the work which was to be done was a work of their own: the assertion of equality against the pride of oligarchy; of free labor against the lordship over slaves; of the great industrial people against all the expiring aristocracies of which any remnants had tided down from the Middle Age. He was of a religious turn of mind, without superstition; and the unbroken faith of the mass was like his own. As he went along through his difficult journey, sounding his way, he held fast by the hand of the people, and “tracked its footsteps with even feet.” “His pulse’s beat twinned with their pulses.” He committed faults; but the people were resolutely generous, magnanimous, and forgiving; and he in his turn was willing to take instructions from their wisdom.

London Punch 1-24-1863 (http://www.gutenberg.org/files/38056/38056-h/images/i070.png)

An English view of Emancipation Proclamation (London Punch January 24, 1863)

Unidentified African American soldier in Union infantry sergeant's uniform and black mourning ribbon with bayonet in front of painted backdrop (between 1863 and 1865; LOC:  LC-DIG-ppmsca-34365)

“Unidentified African American soldier in Union infantry sergeant’s uniform and black mourning ribbon with bayonet in front of painted backdrop” (between 1863 and 1865, Library of Congress)

The measure by which Abraham Lincoln takes his place, not in American history only, but in universal history, is his Proclamation of January 1, 1863, emancipating all slaves within the insurgent States. It was, indeed, a military necessity, and it decided the result of the war. It took from the public enemy one or two millions of bondmen, and placed between one and two hundred thousand brave and gallant troops in arms on the side of the Union. A great deal has been said in time past of the wonderful results of the toil of the enslaved negro in the creation of wealth by the culture of cotton; and now it is in part to the aid of the negro in freedom that the country owes its success in its movement of regeneration,—that the world of mankind owes the continuance of the United States as the example of a Republic. The death of President Lincoln sets the seal to that Proclamation, which must be maintained. It cannot but be maintained. It is the only rod that can safely carry off the thunderbolt. He came to it perhaps reluctantly; he was brought to adopt it, as it were, against his will, but compelled by inevitable necessity. He disclaimed all praise for the act, saying reverently, after it had succeeded, “The nation’s condition God alone can claim.”

And what a futurity is opened before the country when its institutions become homogeneous! From all the civilized world the nations will send hosts to share the wealth and glory of this people. It will receive all good ideas from abroad; and its great principles of personal equality and freedom—freedom of conscience and mind,—freedom of speech and action,—freedom of government through ever-renewed common consent—will undulate through the world like the rays of light and heat from the sun. With one wing touching the waters of the Atlantic and the other on the Pacific, it will grow into a greatness of which the past has no parallel; and there can be no spot in Europe or in Asia so remote or so secluded as to shut out its influence.

Reading the Emancipation Proclamation / H.W. Herrick, del., J.W. Watts, sc. (1864; LOC: http://www.loc.gov/item/2003678043/)

“Reading the Emancipation Proclamation” (C1864, Library of Congress)

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exhumation impracticable

[Cold Harbor, Va. African Americans collecting bones of soldiers killed in the battle] (April 1865; LOC: http://www.loc.gov/item/cwp2003000494/PP/)

“Cold Harbor, Va. African Americans collecting bones of soldiers killed in the battle” (April 1865, Library of Congress)

Family and friends weren’t allowed to exhume the remains of soldiers in Virginia, especially if they had been dead less than a year.

From a Seneca County, New York newspaper in 1865:

The Removal of Dead Soldiers from Virginia.

Colonal [sic] Edward W. Smith, Adjutant General of the Department, has given publicity to the following important order relative to the exhumation of the bodies of deceased soldiers. Relatives of the lamented men are constantly besieging the military authorities to permit the removal of bodies, without reference to the period of time they may have been in the ground. Refusals are now as constant as applications, owing to sanitary considerations, which are necessarily controlling in their nature. The order will attract very general attention. It is as follows: –

RICHMOND, VA., May 22, 1865.

The general commanding the department calls the attention of relatives and friends of deceased officers and men who are buried in Virginia to the fact that attempts to remove the remains of such officers and men, when they had been buried less than a year, have in every instance proved impracticable from the condition in which they were found.

By command of Maj. Gen. ORD.
ED. W. SMITH, A. Adjutant General.


Richmond, Virginia. Gen. Edward O.C. Ord, wife and child at the residence of Jefferson Davis. In the doorway is the table on which the surrender of Gen. Robert E. Lee was signed (April 1865; LOC: LC-DIG-cwpb-02928)

“Richmond, Virginia. Gen. Edward O.C. Ord, wife and child at the residence of Jefferson Davis. In the doorway is the table on which the surrender of Gen. Robert E. Lee was signed” (April 1865, Library of Congress)

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