circular logic

EARLY ITALIAN ENGRAVING OF A SAILING SHIP ((In the British Museum) ( page 300)

(In the British Museum)

Apparently in 1492 most educated Europeans knew that the earth was spherical. The Atlantic Ocean was beginning to be explored; the technology of the mariner’s compass made it easier to figure out which way you were going, and “a certain Genoese mariner” was inspired by a book to sail west.

From A Short History of the World by H.G. Wells

The publication of Marco Polo’s travels produced a profound effect upon the European imagination. The European literature, and especially the European romance of the fifteenth century, echoes with the names in Marco Polo’s story, with Cathay (North China) and Cambulac (Pekin) and the like.

Two centuries later, among the readers of the Travels of Marco Polo was a certain Genoese mariner, Christopher Columbus, who conceived the brilliant idea of sailing westward round the world to China. In Seville there is a copy of the Travels with marginal notes by Columbus. There were many reasons why the thought of a Genoese should be turned in this direction. Until its capture by the Turks in 1453 Constantinople had been an impartial trading mart between the Western world and the East, and the Genoese had traded there freely. But the “Latin” Venetians, the bitter rivals of the Genoese, had been the allies and helpers of the Turks against the Greeks, and with the coming of the Turks Constantinople turned an unfriendly face upon Genoese trade. The long forgotten discovery that the world was round had gradually resumed its sway over men’s minds. The idea of going westward to China was therefore a fairly obvious one. It was encouraged by two things. The mariner’s compass had now been invented and men were no longer left to the mercy of a fine night and the stars to determine the direction in which they were sailing, and the Normans, Catalonians and Genoese and Portuguese had already pushed out into the Atlantic as far as the Canary Isles, Madeira and the Azores.

Atlantic_Ocean,_Toscanelli,_1474 (By Bartholomew, J. G. - A literary and historical atlas of America, by Bartholomew, J. G. [1], Public Domain,;,_Toscanelli,_1474.jpg)

“Toscanelli’s notions of the geography of the Atlantic Ocean (shown superimposed on a modern map), which directly influenced Columbus’s plans.”

Yet Columbus found many difficulties before he could get ships to put his idea to the test. He went from one European Court to another. Finally at Granada, just won from the Moors, he secured the patronage of Ferdinand and Isabella, and was able to set out across the unknown ocean in three small ships. After a voyage of two months and nine days he came to a land which he believed to be India, but which was really a new continent, whose distinct existence the old world had never hitherto suspected. He returned to Spain with gold, cotton, strange beasts and birds, and two wild- eyed painted Indians to be baptized. They were called Indians because, to the end of his days, he believed that this land he had found was India. Only in the course of several years did men begin to realize that the whole new continent of America was added to the world’s resources.

Christopher Columbus (1595; LOC:

put more globe in globalization

The success of Columbus stimulated overseas enterprise enormously. In 1497 the Portuguese sailed round Africa to India, and in 1515 there were Portuguese ships in Java. In 1519 Magellan, a Portuguese sailor in Spanish employment, sailed out of Seville westward with five ships, of which one, the Vittoria, came back up the river to Seville in 1522, the first ship that had ever circumnavigated the world. Thirty-one men were aboard her, survivors of two-hundred-and- eighty who had started. Magellan himself had been killed in the Philippine Isles.

Printed paper books, a new realization of the round world as a thing altogether attainable, a new vision of strange lands, strange animals and plants, strange manners and customs, discoveries overseas and in the skies and in the ways and materials of life burst upon the European mind. The Greek classics, buried and forgotten for so long, were speedily being printed and studied, and were colouring men’s thoughts with the dreams of Plato and the traditions of an age of republican freedom and dignity. The Roman dominion had first brought law and order to Western Europe, and the Latin Church had restored it; but under both Pagan and Catholic Rome curiosity and innovation were subordinate to and restrained by organization. The reign of the Latin mind was now drawing to an end. Between the thirteenth and the sixteenth century the European Aryans, thanks to the stimulating influence of Semite and Mongol and the rediscovery of the Greek classics, broke away from the Latin tradition and rose again to the intellectual and material leadership of mankind.

A bit from 150 years ago. According to Wikipedia’s article about Columbus Day, “San Francisco claims the nation’s [USA] oldest continuously existing celebration with the Italian-American community’s annual Columbus Day Parade, which was established by Nicola Larco in 1868”.
You can read H.G Wells’ book and see the ship at Project Gutenberg. The Columbus excerpt is in the section on “The Intellectual Revival of the Europeans” and is on pages 300-304. The image of Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli’s map laying over a modern map is from Wikipedia. The Library of Congress provides the Columbus image, although the Wikipedia link says that “no authentic contemporary portrait has been found.” The four voyages map is from Filson Young’s Christopher Columbus, Complete at Project Gutenberg
four voyages (

a pond is born

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not in their backyard

In its September 22, 1868 issue the The New-York Times published a report of political violence in southeastern Georgia that occurred on September 19th. A couple of Republican politicians traveled to Camilla for a rally. As they neared the town an armed “rebel” warned them to stay away. They didn’t turn back, even after the Sheriff later told them “the people would not allow a Radical to speak in Camilla. They persisted, however, and on reaching the Courthouse, they and their friends were assaulted by a mob.” The two politicians were wounded, and many more Republicans, most of whom were black, were killed or wounded. Most of the blacks were unarmed and “were of course beaten and shot down by the Seymour Democracy, almost without any resistance.”

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part of a pattern?

As more information made its way north, the October 10, 1868 issue of Harper’s Weekly didn’t claim to know all the facts but said that the “fair presumption” was against the former rebels:


It is not easy to ascertain accurately the facts in any case of violence in the late rebel States. Usually, however, when it is a conflict between rebels and the Union men of any color, the fair presumption is against the former. The Union men, knowing that the feeling of the old master-class is against them, are not likely to provoke disturbance, while the history of their conduct before and during and since the war relieves them, generally, of the suspicion of instigating trouble. Again, there is not a reflecting man in the country who is familiar with the facts, who supposes that if the colored population in the Southern States were treated with fairness it would be troublesome or vindictive. While there is certainly not a man of common manhood who supposes that any class of men will allow itself to be thrust back into a cruel bondage, from which it has just been delivered, without a struggle. If, therefore, we hear of riots and bloodshed arising from the condition of society in the Southern States, we may be very sure that the final cause is the unjust attempt of one part of the population politically and socially to subjugate the other.

A fortnight ago Colonel PIERCE, Republican candidate for Congress in the second district of Georgia, and Captain MURPHY, one of the Republican candidates for Elector, went with a party of political friends to hold a meeting at Camilla. They were met at some distance from the town by the Sheriff and some of the citizens, who requested them to retire, as the people of Camilla wished to hear no Radical speaking. The party declined, and moving on, entered the town, where they were presently attacked. Both PIERCE and MURPHY were wounded, and many of their friends were killed. The Sheriff says that he asked them only to lay aside their weapons. But it does not appear that they were unusually armed, while the attack shows the townspeople to have been fully armed. This request, therefore, was, that a party of unarmed Republicans, many of whom were colored, would take the risk of holding a meeting in a rebel town and among armed rebels. Now it may be the fate of Union men to be summarily shot in Georgia for the crime of holding political meetings. But it is really extravagant to mask them to submit to slaughter without even a form of remonstrance.

Hon. Rufus B. Bullock (between 1860 and 1875; LOC:

Rufus Bullock

The question upon reading this statement is, whether it was probable that the intention of the party was, as the Associated Press dispatch avers, “to overawe” the citizens of Camilla? Had not Colonel PIERCE and Captain MURPHY a right to hold a political meeting any where in their district? If some of their friends were armed, has there ever been a political meeting in exciting times in that part of the country where a large part of those present were not armed? Has the conduct of their opponents been such as to show the Republicans that it is not necessary to defend themselves? Have not WADE HAMPTON and his associates every where invited the Democrats to organize against colored Union men and starve them if they will not support Seymour? Has not the Georgia Legislature expelled the colored members? Are not colored men thrust from the jury box? Are not the black codes the living witnesses of the feeling of their political opponents?

Governor BULLOCK has done what he can to protect loyal men in Georgia, but the Democratic majority left in the Legislature by the expulsion of Union men has thwarted his efforts. These are the fruits of the green tres [sic]. If SEYMOUR and BLAIR should be elected, what a fearful tragedy must not every where follow in the Southern States! If while SEYMOUR is a candidate merely there is such confusion, must not his election produce chaos in that distempored [sic] region? General SCHOFIELD has ordered General MEADE to return and to keep the peace in Georgia. He will investigate the facts of the Camilla riot. But we imagine they are already substantially known and understood. Once more, we say, let all sensible men decide whether the election of SEYMOUR and BLAIR is the road to peace.

The white man's banner . . . Seymour and Blair's campaign song (New Orleans : Published by A.E. Blackmar, 1868.; LOC:

the white man’s friends?

Let us have pease, ha, ha (1868; LOC:

that’s a good one


According to Today in Georgia History, Philip Joiner, one of the black state legislators expelled from the state assembly earlier in the month, “led several hundred freedmen on a March from Albany to Camilla for a Republican rally.” The events in Camilla kept many black voters home on the 1868 presidential election day and prompted the federal government to resume military rule in Georgia.

HWp6249-26-1868 (at the <a title="Internet Archive" href="">Internet Archive</a>)


The New Georgia Encyclopedia provides more details about the event: “As marchers entered the courthouse square in Camilla, whites stationed in various storefronts opened fire, killing about a dozen and wounding possibly thirty others. As marchers returned to Albany, hostile whites assaulted them for several miles.” This article also mentions that the violence suppressed the freedmen’s vote for the 1868 election.

Both Georgia sites mention that after the initial reporting and return to federal military rule, the massacre was somehow covered up or not publicly acknowledged until 1998.

hw10-3-1868p632 (at the <a title="Internet Archive" href="">Internet Archive</a>)

haircut for the freedmen

Both Edward C. Woolley’s 1901 The Reconstruction of Georgia and Paul Laurence Sanford’s 1947 thesis discuss the Georgia legislature’s expulsion of the black representatives in early September but don’t seem to mention the Camilla violence.
In his 1868 report General George Meade does mention Camilla. In August 1868 his Third Military District (Georgia, Alabama, and Florida) was combined with Second (the Carolinas) to create the Department of the South, which General Meade was assigned to command. On pages 11-12 he mentions that after Georgia (among other states) was re-admitted to representation in Congress the military was ordered to cease intervening in civil affairs and only act as a peace-keeping force. “Soon after announcing the [less interventionist] position of the military, the outrage at Camilla, in Georgia, was committed, where as I have stated in a special report, the evidence would seem to show, that the authors of the outrage were civil officers; who, under the guise of enforcing the law and suppressing disorder, had permitted a wanton sacrifice of life and blood. At the same time the report stated that the opposite parties, – for the affair was a political one – had, by their want of judgment, and their insistence on abstract rights in the face of the remonstrances of the law officers, giving these officers the opportunity of acting as they did. …” You can read General Meade’s full account of the Camilla investigation on pages 79-84.
According to the New Georgia Encyclopedia Rufus Bullock was born and educated in the North. In 1860 he moved to Augusta Georgia to manage the Southern Express Company. He opposed secession but “accepted the rank of lieutenant colonel and continued operating the telegraph, railroad, and freight interests for his company and for the Confederate quartermaster’s office.” He participated the the state constitutional convention and defeated ex-Confederate General John B. Gordon for governor in April 1868. As governor he supported greater rights for blacks and opposed white supremacy. When the Democrats took control of the state legislature in the 1870 elections he apparently had a “fair presumption” that he was going to be in trouble and secretly fled to New York. He returned to Georgia in 1876 and lived there until 1903.
The Harper’s Weekly editorial can be found on page 642 at the Internet Archive. You can find all the political cartoons at the same place. From the Library of Congress: Rufus Bullock; Democrat-flavored sheet music – white, pease (“Let us have peace” was part of Grant’s acceptance of the Republican presidential nomination for 1868)


hw10-10-1868p648 (at the <a title="Internet Archive" href="">Internet Archive</a>)

another monument controversy

Posted in 150 Years Ago, Aftermath, Postbellum Politics, Postbellum Society, Reconstruction, The election of 1868 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

late summer of ’68

HW9-19-1868 p605 (


Some headlines from early September 1868. Statewide elections in Vermont resulted in large Republican majorities. The Georgia legislature expelled twenty-five black representatives (New York Times September 4, 1868). After a conference at White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, Union General William Rosecrans conducted a public correspondence with Confederate General Robert E. Lee about “what the South wants.” The general’s letter was controversial. A northern periodical contrasted General Lee’s words of conciliation with the expulsion of the black legislators in Georgia and other southern white actions against the freed slaves. The editorial tied the letter to the 1868 campaign.

NY Times 9-2-1868 Vermont

The New-York Times September 2, 1868

NY Times September 4, 1868

The New-York Times September 4, 1868

NY Times 9-5-1868

The New-York Times September 5, 1868


From Harper’s Weekly September 19, 1868 (page 595):


Statues and sculpture. Robert E. Lee in Statuary Hall (Horydczak, Theodor; ca. 1920-ca. 1950; LOC:


One of the lighter comedies of the canvass is the exchange of letters between General ROSECRANS and the ex-rebel Generals LEE, BEAUREGARD, and others. General LEE, whose whole career shows him to be one of the weakest of men, and whose treachery to the Government was not less contemptible than odious, is saluted by General ROSECRANS in these words: “I know you are a representative man in reverence and regard for the Union, the Constitution, and the welfare of the country.” The General then asks the representative man to tell him the public opinion of the South.” Conferring with other representative men, like BEAUREGARD, of “booty and beauty” renown, General LEE replies in a series of statements which shows that he is not familiar with the recent history of the Southern States. Indeed, a grosser misrepresentation of familiar public facts has not been made.

But one assertion is peculiarly amusing in view of the expulsion of the Georgia colored members, of the Ku-Klux Klan, of the address of the South Carolina Committee, and of WADE HAMPTON’S scheme of Democratic voting or starvation. It is the remark of General LEE that “the idea that the Southern people are hostile to the negroes or would oppress them if it were in their power to do so is entirely unfounded. They have grown up in our midst, and we have been accustomed from childhood to look upon them with kindness.” The paddle, the auction-block, and the blood-hound were the emblems of this kindness before the war; the Black Codes and the massacres, since.

The letter of General LEE is put forward as a Democratic campaign document, and it is one of the feeblest conceivable.

The complete letter from Lee and twenty-six other southern men (Beauregard, Stephens, Letcher) to Rosecrans was published in the September 8, 1868 issue of the Staunton Spectator. You can read it at The Lee Family Digital Archive.

According to the Library of Congress, long-time social reformer Gerrit Smith wrote Robert E. Lee a letter on September 25, 1868 severely criticizing the general’s letter as promoting a “re-instatement of slavery.” “But to argue to you that slavery, virtual, if not literal, must ever attend the disfranchisement of a race, and especially when it is the only disfranchised race, would be a superfluity insulting to your excellent understanding.” Mr. Smith’s letter also referenced the upcoming election:

Harper'sWeekly9-5-1868p568 (

won’t sell up north

… How sad that the white men of the South should look upon the Republican Party as the enemy of the South! In the success of this Party—in the election of those just and wise men, Grant and Colfax—is the salvation of the South. Peace—a righteous and enduring Peace—would come of it. The white men of the South have but two enemies. The Republican Party is neither of them. Their own wicked hearts—wicked, because still refusing to repent of slavery—is one of them; and the other, and far wickeder one, is the Democratic Party, whose only hope of re-ascendency being in the resurrection of slavery, is ever at work to inflame those wicked hearts, and to counsel and contrive that resurrection.

You white men of the South have made your choice. This choice is to go for the Democratic Party. You will, probably, be disappointed in the Election. For the North, though extensively corrupted by the arts of the leaders of the Democratic Party, can hardly be brought to give a majority of her votes to a Party, which goes openly for cheating the Nation’s creditors, and for taking up arms to bring back under the yoke of slavery a race to whose magnanimous forgetfulness of their immeasurable wrongs and to whose brave hearts and stalwart arms the salvation of our country is so largely due. …

In his P.S. Gerrit Smith referred to the Democrats as the “Murder-Party” because in the three years since the war ended they had killed over a thousand southerners for their political opinions.

In his 1901 The Reconstruction of Georgia (beginning on page 56 at Project Gutenberg) Edwin C. Woolley wrote about the expulsion of the black legislators, which happened “the very moment after the federal government withdrew its hand”:
When the Georgia Republicans, or Radicals, as they were locally called, found that instead of a sweeping victory they had won only a governorship hemmed in by a hostile legislature, an effort was made, as we have said, to improve their position through the interference of Meade. Meade refused to aid them. When, a short time afterwards, federal power, on which they had hitherto relied, was completely withdrawn, they seemed left to make the best of an uncomfortable position without any assistance. At this point a god appeared from the machine.
In the state senate there were three negroes, in the lower house twenty-five. Their presence was an offense. It was an offense not merely to the Conservative members. Some of the Republicans entertained Conservative sentiments and principles, but supported reconstruction simply in order to hasten the liberation of the state from Congressional interference. To them as well as to the Conservatives “negro rule” was obnoxious. Negro rule, so far as it consisted in negro suffrage, was established by the constitution. But negro office-holding was not so established expressly. As early as July 25, 1868, the question, whether negroes were eligible to the legislature, was raised in the state senate.
Legally considered, the question had two sides, each supported by eminent lawyers. For the negroes it was argued that Irwin’s Code, which was made part of the law of the state by the constitution, enumerated among the rights of citizens the right to hold office. Negroes were made citizens of equal rights with all other citizens by the new constitution. Therefore they had the right to hold office. It was true that the constitution did not grant the right to hold office to the negroes expressly, as it granted the right to vote; but in view of the fact that the convention which made the constitution was elected by 25,000 white and 85,000 colored men, and that that constitution was adopted by 35,000 white and 70,000 colored men, it would be absurd to suppose that the intent of that instrument was to withhold office from the negroes. On the other side, it was argued that the right to hold office did not belong to every citizen, but only to such citizens as the law specially designated, or to such as possessed it by common law or custom. Irwin’s Code could not be cited to prove that negroes had the right, because that law had been enacted before the negroes had been made citizens, and the word citizens in it referred to those who were citizens at that time. As the negro had no right to hold office because he was a citizen, and as he could not claim the right from common law or custom, he could obtain it only by specific grant of law. There was no such grant. The argument for the negro was made by the Supreme Court of the state in 1869, the opposing argument by one of the justices of that court in a dissenting opinion.
Such were the legal aspects of the question, which were of course less important than the political and the emotional aspects. The legislature passed upon the issue in the early part of September, 1868, by declaring all the colored members ineligible, and admitting to the vacated seats the candidates who had received respectively the next highest number of votes. If there was some legal ground for unseating the negroes, there was none for seating the minority candidates. It was done on the authority of the clause in Irwin’s Code which said:
If at any popular election to fill any office the person elected is ineligible, … the person having the next highest number of votes, who is eligible, whenever a plurality elects, shall be declared elected.
But this clause is found under the title “Of the Executive Department,” and under the sub-head “Regulations as to All Executive Offices and Officers.” Under the next title “Of the Legislative Department,” there is no such provision.
For a legislature to unseat some of the elected members because on not untenable legal grounds it finds them ineligible, is not unusual. But the act of the Georgia legislature could not, under the circumstances, be regarded in the ordinary way. It showed strong racial prejudice. It was a startling breach of the system which reconstruction had been designed to institute, committed the very moment after the federal government withdrew its hand. It fixed on Georgia at once the earnest and unfavorable attention of northern public opinion. This fact enabled the Georgia Republicans to bring the federal government again to their assistance.
On the pages right after it used the expulsion of the black legislators as an example of how Robert E. Lee was out of touch with Southern reality, Harper’s Weekly reported on three Georgia cities that were looking pretty good after a little Republican reconstruction:
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Harper’s September 19, 1868

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Harper’s September 19, 1868

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Harper’s September 26, 1868

2018 sure has been impinging on my enjoyment of 1868; I’m glad I could put this up by early fall. All the Harper’s Weekly clippings were published in issues throughout September 1868 and can be found at the Internet Archives. Theodor Horydczak’s photo of the Lee statue in Statuary Hall at the U.S. Capitol is from the Library of Congress. The Capitol’s first cornerstone was laid 225 years ago on Wednesday, September 18, 1793.
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the devil wants DC

October 1, 2018: According the the October 20, 1918 issue of The New York Times (image 14 at the Library of Congress 100 years ago General and Mrs. Robert E. Lee’s last surviving child was knitting for American soldiers in World War I. According to Find A Grave the 83 year old Mary Custis Lee died on November 22, 1918. An blog at WETA explains that in 1902 Miss Lee was arrested in Alexandria, Virginia for breaking the city’s new segregation law by riding in the black section of a streetcar. Her refusal to give up her seat in the back of the car might have had to do more with personal convenience than as a stand for racial integration. Miss Lee apparently was quite a traveler. In his Freedom by the Sword blog Jimmy Price wrote that General Lee’s daughter was in Europe when World War I broke out. In London on her way back to the States she gave an interview to a The New York Times reporter on October 21, 1914: “I am a soldier’s daughter,” she said, “and descended from a long line of soldiers, but what I have seen of this war, and what I can foresee of the misery which must follow, have made me very nearly a peace-at-any-price woman.”

MaryCustisLee (

Posted in 150 Years Ago This Month, Aftermath, Postbellum Politics, Postbellum Society, Reconstruction, Southern Society, The election of 1868 | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

dragon visit

Da qing guo shi ba sheng [quan tu]. (1900; Administrative map of Qing Dynasty.LOC:

breaking out of its shell?

In 1861 President Abraham Lincoln appointed Anson Burlingame as minister to the Qing Dynasty, which ruled China from 1644 to 1912. “Burlingame worked for a cooperative policy rather than the imperialistic policies of force which had been used during the First and Second Opium Wars and developed relations with the reform elements of the court.” Mr. Burlingame encouraged the European powers to respect China’s territory and not interfere in its internal affairs. He stressed that the West should treat China in a fair and Christian manner.

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Ambassadors Burlingame

China appreciated the Burlingame treatment. In the fall of 1867 the ambassador notified U.S. Secretary of State William H. Seward that he wanted to return to America and resume his political career. The Chinese had different ideas. In November Chinese officials asked Mr. Burlingame if he would act as the Qing Empire’s envoy to the Western powers.

As a very interesting article at Foreign Affairs points out, the ambassador accepted. He notified Secretary Seward with a telegram in November, “And with that, Burlingame went from being the representative of the United States in China to being the representative of China to the world.” Burlingame and two native Chinese ministers began their round-the-world mission in December 1867. They arrived in San Francisco Bay on March 31, 1868. “Burlingame’s arrival in San Francisco was highly anticipated, and people gathered at the wharf to get their first glimpse of Chinese nobility—and of the imperial yellow dragon flag, which appeared in many contemporary press reports. ”

Flag_of_the_Qing_Dynasty_(1862-1889).svg (

Qing flag 1862-1889

Since the transcontinental railroad wasn’t completed yet, the mission next traveled to the East Coast by steamship via Panama. In early June the group met President Andrew Johnson at the White House. While in Washington Ambassador Burlingame and Secretary Seward negotiated the Burlingame Treaty, which modified and mollified one of the “unequal treaties.”

In early August 1868 the Chinese Embassy stopped in Secretary of State Seward’s hometown of Auburn, New York on its way to Niagara Falls. Walter Stahr writes that Mr. Seward, who had regaled the Chinese mission in Washington with trips to Mount Vernon and the Capitol and with a reception in his DC residence, held a reception for the travelers at the Seward mansion (I believe). “His guest list included not only various local leaders but also such national leaders of the women’s movement as Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Margaret Coffin Wright. When one of the senior Chinese praised the intelligence of the American women, Seward’s sister-in-law Lazette Worden responded that ‘Chinese women would be intelligent also, if they were allowed to come into the parlor, instead of being kept in the back part of the house.’ Stanton recalled that the only answer of the Chinese delegates to the women’s questions about Chinese society was ‘immoderate laughter.’ The interpreters explained that the Chinese had never before heard ‘women in all earnestness ask such profound questions.'”[1]

NY Times August 5, 2018

NY Times August 5, 2018

NY Times August 6, 1868

NY Times August 6, 1868

NY Times August 9, 1868

NY Times August 9, 1868

According to reports in The New-York Times, the Chinese also visited Auburn’s prison, where they were favorably impressed by “the American mode of punishing criminals.” The group also intended to visit a nearby farm to see a mower and reaper exhibition. They got rained out on their first try. On August 7th Secretary Seward hosted a second reception for the Embassy before its departure for Niagara on the next day [I don’t know which reception the famous women attended]. Anson Burlingame offered a toast: “The Great Secretary CANNING said that he had called a new world into existence to redress the balance of the old. Mr. SEWARD has called an old world into the existence of the new.”

hw7-18-1868p460 (

May-December relationship?

At Niagara Falls the Chinese hosted a party for the citizens of Buffalo on August 11. Later in August the Embassy was in Boston. On August 21st the City Council put on a banquet for the visitors. You can read about it the Internet Archives. Ralph Waldo Emerson remarked that the Chinese Embassy was a visit “from the oldest Empire in the world to the youngest Republic.” Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.also used that theme in a poem he recited for the occasion. His vision was of a more united world.

Boston reception p41OWH1(

“We, the new creation’s birth,
Greet the lords of ancient earth”

Boston reception p42OWH2 (

“Knowledge dwells with length of days;
Wisdom walks in ancient ways;”

Boston reception p42OWH3(

“Open wide, ye gates of gold,
To the Dragon’s banner-fold!”

hw6-13-1868p376 (

belt and
road trip

niagarafallsny1882 (c188; LOC:

Erie Outlet

owh project gutenberg (

the Missouri and the Hoang-Ho – one river vision

As the Foreign Affairs article explains, the Embassy continued to Britain and Europe and ended up in Russia. Mr. Burlingame was probably hoping to draft a treaty that would end the China-Russia border dispute, “But he fell ill in the cold Russian winter, took to bed, and died a few days later, on February 23, 1870. The cause of death was pneumonia. He was 49 years old.”
The same article mentions that the American Civil War was not nearly as destructive as what was going on China at the same time: “When Burlingame arrived in China in October 1861, the ruling Qing Dynasty was fighting the Taiping rebellion in a protracted civil war that lasted from 1851 until 1864. Historians widely consider the Taiping rebellion the bloodiest civil war in history, with an estimated death toll of at least 20 million. Burlingame put the U.S. government firmly on the side of the Qing government.”
Other blue-gray touches. From the Harper’s Weekly biographical sketch (page 346): “At the request of Mr. BURLINGAME Confederate pirates were excluded from Chinese waters.” The Boston banquet was attended by people we’ve had on before: Charles Sumner, who was the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee at the time; Congressman George Boutwell; General Irvin McDowell, who successfully got the Union army headed south after the rebels in July 1861 but unsuccessfully attacked them at First Bull Run; political General Nathaniel P. Banks, who had returned to politics in 1865 and was representing the Massachusetts 6th District in Congress.
I haven’t done a scientific study, but it’s pretty certain that Harper’s Weekly was not a fan of President Andrew Johnson. However, in its June 20, 1868 issue the newspaper seemed to have approved of at least one of Mr. Johnson’s utterances: “In receiving the Chinese Embassy the president made a discursive oration in which he naturally spoke of the means of communication between China and the United States, and remarked that more important than all of them was ‘the great work of connecting the two oceans by a ship-canal to be constructed across the Isthmus of Darien.'” (page 387) I don’t think I ever heard anyone refer to Andrew Johnson as a visionary, so I was very impressed that he thought of a canal across the isthmus about 36 years before the United States began building one. It was just more history I didn’t know. According to Wikipedia Holy Roman Emperor Charles V was dreaming of a canal way back in 1534.
In its May 30th issue Harper’s Weekly recognized that the possibility of increased trade with China would make the Pacific Ocean, the Isthmus of Panama, and the completion of the transcontinental railroad in the United States more important than ever.
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New York City’s place …

HW 5-30-1868 p345 (

… in the universe?

You can read Stanton Jue’s article about Anson Burlingame and his missions at American Diplomacy. The article includes an image of President Johnson receiving the Chinese mission.
Sodacan’s image of the Qing flag (1862-1889) is licensed by Creative Commons. The portrait of Oliver Wendell Holmes is from a book of his works at Project Gutenberg. All the images and references from Harper’s Weekly of 1868 can be found at the Internet Archives May 30th, June 13th, and July 18th. From the Library of Congress: Administrative map of Qing Dynasty about 1900, Niagara-Falls, N.Y. 1882, Chinese Embassy
Chinese Embassy / photographed by J. Gurney & Son. (1868; LOC:

world travelers 1868

September 2, 2018 – This just in:

Fifty years after the Chinese Embassy led by Anson Burlingame a large number of Chinese were also headed to Europe. From The New-York Times September 22, 1918:

NY Times September 22 1918 no1 (

coolies headed over there

NY Times September 22 1918 No2 (

welcome to the world

The Qing dynasty ended in 1912. Japan occupied the city of Tsing-tao (Qingdao) from 1914-1922.
  1. [1]Stahr, Walter Seward: Lincoln’s Indispensable Man. 2012. New York: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 2013. Print. pages 520-521.
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Remains_of_Thadeus_Steven_lying_in_state_-_NARA_-_530043.tif (

Black Zouaves guard the remains Of Thaddeus Stevens

I wished that I were the owner of every southern slave, that I might cast off the shackles from their limbs, and witness the rapture which would excite them in the first dance of their freedom.

– Thaddeus Stevens, 1837 [1]

Thaddeus Stevens portrait (HW 8-29-1868 p548 (

freedom for everyone

On August 11, 1868 Congressman Thaddeus Stevens, Radical Republican from Pennsylvania, died after at least several months of deteriorating health. As Chairman of the House Reconstruction Committee his last major effort was to help persuade the full House to impeach President Andrew Johnson. Mr. Stevens was one of the seven managers of the House prosecution before the U.S. Senate, but he was too sick to take much of a role in that impeachment trial.

The August 29, 1868 issue of Harper’s Weekly (Harper’s pages 546, 548-549 at at the Internet Archives) provided a good deal of coverage of Mr. Stevens’ death and life. The journal began its editorial-like obituary by saying that even Democratic newspapers recognized his sincerity and independence; Republicans “praised his love of liberty,” but realized he lacked the qualities of “a true statesman and leader of men.” On his deathbed he ordered that two “colored” clergymen be admitted to pray with him. On August 13th five colored and three white pall-bearers carried his casket to the Rotunda of the Capitol near a life-sized statue of Abraham Lincoln. “The guard of honor were the officers of the Butler Zouaves, a colored military organization of Washington. The body thus lying in state was viewed by five or six thousand persons – white and black.”

ts deathbed (HW 8-29-1868 p548

on deathbed

tstevenscapital hw 8-29-1868 p545 (

under dome

An editorial in The New-York Times on August 13, 1868 saw the Republican Party as practical vehicle for Thadddeus Stevens to promote his strong anti-slavery beliefs; he was effective during the war but less so during Reconstruction :

Thaddeus Stevens.

The death of Mr. THADDEUS STEVENS deprives the Radical section of the Republican Party of it recognized leader, and the House of Representatives of its most conspicuous, and, in some respects, most influential member.

Hon. Thaddeus Stevens, Pa (

dictatorial, unchristian, extreme, Evil Genius?

From the first an ardent politician, Mr. STEVENS was not always an extreme one. His earliest experiences in Congress were as an associate of representative Whigs, and the foundations of his after influence were laid deep in earnest, persistent work. It was a diligent committeeman, zealous, untiring and faithful in the performance of the duties intrusted to him – not as a glib and frequent speaker, or the devotee of hobbies – that Mr. STEVENS worked his way to prominent usefulness. He was, however, from conviction, an opponent of the slave system, and when the formation of the Republican Party furnished the means of organized and effective, because practical, resistance to the encroachments of the Southern oligarchy, he threw himself into the movement with the energy that characterized him in everything. The difficulties of the contest did not dishearten him. He saw in the Republican Party a pledge of emancipation from the evils which enthralled and degraded the Republic, and he contributed greatly to its success.

The rebellion developed exigencies and created opportunities which made the reputation of Mr. STEVENS national. … With the progress of the conflict came freer scope for his peculiar characteristics. He comprehended the magnitude of the crisis, while the majority about him saw but dimly its proportions, and realized the necessity of bold, strong measures, while others clung to hopes of pacification and compromise. He was one of the few who are not afraid to grasp first principles and lay hold of great truths, or to push them to their remotest logical result. Thus he differed with the Administration and the party as to the relation of the rebel States to the Union, and the course that should be pursued in regard to them. He discerned the expediency of emancipation, and urged it long before Mr. LINCOLN issued his proclamation.

Mr. STEVENS was not at that period the legislative dictator he afterward aspired to be. He never concealed his opinions and purposes, and never hesitated to do all that could be done to promote them. But though ahead of the Republican Party, he was a steady co-worker with it through all the stages of the war, sustaining its every measure, and rendering valuable assistance to the Government in the execution of its plans.

The requirements which grew out of the restoration of peace, found Mr. Stevens less qualified for efficient service. For the needs of bitter strife, none could be more fitted by habits of thought or readiness for rough and ready action. Means were less thought of than the results. And Mr. STEVENS, with his contempt for nice distinctions, constitutional or ethical, was just the man for the occasion. It was a season of perilous excitement, and the qualities of revolutionary leaders reappeared in him. He failed, as men cast in his mould usually do fail, when the time came for reconstructing the shattered institutions of the South, and restoring friendly relations between the sections. The partisan leader occupied the place of the statesman. He was for consummating a conquest – not for hastening reconciliation. He would have supplemented the horrors of war with banishment and confiscation. He demanded measures that would have rendered the union of North and South, except in the relation of conqueror and conquered. The remorseless logic which sustained war measures, insisted on postponing the return of peace. He had so fostered hatred of the nation’s enemies, that he refused, even in their helplessness, to extend the fraternal hand. In the abstract, perhaps, and in the light of his convictions, he was in this consistent. Certainly he was outspoken, fearless, and, in a certain sense, formidable. But his spirit was unchristian, and his measures were unjust and impolitic.

It can not be truthfully said that Mr. STEVENS exercised a happy influence over the Republican policy in the matter of Reconstruction. His most extreme views were not accepted by the party. He never obtained a hearing for his confiscation scheme, and the territorial doctrine on which he predicated his plans was denied recognition. The Constitutional Amendment, which was originally offered as a basis of restoration, was so regarded in spite of him. And the conditions of Reconstruction, stern and sweeping as they are, would have been still more severe had his plans prevailed. He desired, in truth, to delay rather than to hasten the return of the excluded States, and he would have kept them out till doomsday rather than tolerate conditions lacking what he deemed essential.

On the subject of Reconstruction, then, Mr. STEVENS must be considered the Evil Genius of the Republican Party. … [As Chairman of the House Reconstruction Committee he had an “intolerant spirit” and was “defiant, despotic, and in all things irritation.” …]

House impeachment managers

His leadership entailed disaster in other directions. The impeachment was, perhaps, the most notable of his mistakes. Of that he was the promoter and guiding spirit. To him it owed its origin, and to his management the prosecution was indebted for whatever strength it possessed. Latterly his control of the House was evidently impaired. His feeble health gradually unfitted him for stormy contests, and the Republican Party seemed to feel the necessity of a cooler judgment and a more generous spirit in the conduct of its counsels. The Chicago Convention marked the triumph of other purposes than those which he had made his own, and foreshadowed a more generous and more judicious policy than that which he had favored.

According to the August 18, 1868 issue of The New-York Times many people visited the bodily remains of Thaddeus Stevens at his home in Lancaster, Pennsylvania on August 15th and 16th. On the morning of the 17th the casket was opened one last time for the crowd: “The coffin was decorated with wreaths, and a cross of evergreen and white lillies. The face was becoming somewhat discolored, but the expression was the same, and all who had known him agreed that the appearance was more natural than they bad expected.” Later that day about 15,000 people attended his burial ceremonies.

As Eric Foner has written, “For one last time, Stevens challenged his countrymen to rise above their prejudices, for he was buried in an integrated Pennsylvania cemetery, in order, according to the epitaph he had composed, ‘to illustrate in my death the principles which I advocated through a long life, Equality of Man before his Creator.'”[2]

You can still find the grave in Lancaster. The complete inscription on his tombstone:

I repose in this quiet and secluded spot,
Not from any natural preference for solitude
But, finding other Cemeteries limited as to Race
by Charter Rules,
I have chosen this that I might illustrate in my death
The Principles which I advocated through a long life:

Tomb of Thaddeus Stevens. Lancaster, Pa. ( LOC:

rest in integrated peace

According to William S. McFeeley, on one occasion Thaddeus Stevens tempered his belief in the equality of man for what he thought was political expediency. In 1866 Radicals held a convention in Philadelphia to counter a conservative National Union convention. Mr. Stevens urged radicals in Rochester, New York not to send Frederick Douglass as a delegate to the convention because radical Congressmen attending the convention were afraid that their white constituents would vote against them in the fall elections if they even appeared to support full political and social equality for black men. Frederick Douglass as delegate might get voters thinking that way. Rochester sent Douglass anyway. Despite pleas from Stevens and others Mr. Douglass attended the convention anyway, walking to Independence Hall arm-in-arm with a white man. Theodore Tilton. “Stevens regarded the gesture as ‘foolish bravado.'” The only famous attendee who warmly greeted the pair was “bluff, irrepressible (and totally unembarrassable) Benjamin Butler.”[3]
Civil War Talk discusses the photo of the Butler Zouaves guarding the remains of Thaddeus Stevens at the Capitol Rotunda
The image that accompanies a biography at the National Endowment for the Humanities shows Thaddeus Stevens in boxing gloves.
The photo of Mr. Stevens’ casket at the Capitol Rotunda comes from Wikipedia. The three brown-backed drawings were published in the August 29, 1868 issue of Harper’s Weekly at the Internet Archives. From the National Archives: times four, managers. From the Library of Congress: tomb, cartoon
The Radical Party on a heavy grade / J.M. Ives, del. ; on stone by Cameron ([New York : Currier & Ives], c1868. ; LOC:

off the wagon

  1. [1]Statement at the Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention (July 1837), quoted in Thaddeus Stevens, Scourge of the South (1959) by Fawn M. Brodie, p. 63 at Wikiquote
  2. [2]Foner, Eric. Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877. New York: HarperPerennial, 2014. Updated Edition. Print. page 344.
  3. [3]McFeely, William S. Frederick Douglass. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1991. Print. page 250-251.
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Boston at New York

From my growing up I had heard about Zouave units associated with the American Civil War but didn’t know much more about it. According to Wikipedia it wasn’t until 1859 that Zouaves were brought to the American public attention when Elmer Ellsworth toured nationally with a Zouave drill company. Apparently it caught on. One of the first things I noticed after the Civil War Sesquicentennial began was a large number of clippings from Seneca County, New York newspapers about a Zouave unit organized by James E. Ashcroft, a resident of Seneca Falls, that gave public demonstrations of its skill in light infantry tactics. Mr. Ashcroft organized a non-Zouave company for the 19th New York Infantry after the shooting started at Fort Sumter. Both the Union and Confederacy fielded Zouave units during the Civil War.

According to that Wikipedia link Zouaves “gradually vanished from the U.S. military in the 1870s and 1880s, as the militia system slowly transformed into the National Guard.” Nevertheless, according to the August 15, 1868 issue of Harper’s Weekly, 150 years ago this summer a company of Zouaves from Boston traveled to Manhattan for a drill competition against a New York City unit.

hw8-15-1868p525( p526)

friendly military competition

Zouaves hw8-15-1868p526-1 (

thousands in attendance at Tompkins Square

Zouaveshw8-15-1868p526-2 (

New York eked out a technical victory

It’s probably not too surprising that Boston and New York competed well before Babe Ruth changed from red stockings to pinstripes. Apparently it’s not just military and sports competition.
An article at The Bowery Boys sees the inter-city rivalry going back all the way back to the 17th century when “Many so-called heretics fled the Puritans [in New England] and were granted haven by the Dutch [in New Amsterdam].”
Boston was the hotbed of the American Revolution; New York pretty much stayed in British hands throughout the war but then served (briefly) as the first federal capital under the new Constitution.
Winslow_Homer_-_The_Brierwood_Pipe (1864;

1864 painting

Burnside zouaves march (1868; LOC:

1868 sheet music

Babe Ruth, full-length portrait, standing, facing slightly left, in baseball uniform, holding baseball bat ( c1920.; LOC:

built house in the Bronx

There’s more information out there: Burnside Zouaves; Zouave Database; Montgomery Guards;
I don’t want to do anything to spread the misinformation, disinformation out there. I have no idea where Babe Ruth lived. The original Yankee Stadium was referred to as “The House That Ruth Built”
You can see the Harper’s Weekly image and article at the Internet Archives, pages 526 and 527; From the Library of Congress: Burnside’s; Babe; envelope. I got Winslow Homer’s 1864 painting at Wikipedia.
[Civil War envelope showing Patriot labeled "Secured" holding the Constitution and Zouave soldier labeled "Defended," with message "The Union forever"] (Cin[cinnati] : Jas. Gates Pub., [1861] ; LOC:

a northern take

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stills in the hills

I’m still gazing at the New York picture papers from 100 years ago, especially trying to keep alert for anything that might relate to the American Civil War. Recently I noticed a thumbnail that looked like an old cabin. Could the photo possibly have anything to do with Abraham Lincoln, who the federal government assures us was born in a log cabin? After all, nowadays we have replica history and even reenactors.

Upon enlargement it was evident that the picture I was looking really had nothing to do with the Civil War. However, the photo was taken in Kentucky, where the sixteenth president was born. The man in the picture was about as old as Mr. Lincoln would have been had he lived. The Kentucky centenarian’s occupation was probably related to government efforts to pay for Mr. Lincoln’s war. From the August 11, 1918 issue of the New York Tribune:

New-York tribune (New York [N.Y.]), August 11, 1918 (LOC:

Christmas in July … and maybe even August, May, et al.

As you can read at, the federal government raised money during the Civil War by issuing bonds and increasing taxes, including a tax on liquor:

The Internal Revenue Act of 1862, enacted by Congress in July, 1862, soaked up much of the inflationary pressure produced by Greenbacks. It did so because the Act placed excise taxes on just about everything, including sin and luxury items like liquor, tobacco, playing cards, carriages, yachts, billiard tables, and jewelry. It taxed patent medicines and newspaper advertisements. It imposed license taxes on practically every profession or service except the clergy. It instituted stamp taxes, value added taxes on manufactured goods and processed meats, inheritance taxes, taxes on the gross receipts of corporations, banks, and insurance companies, as well as taxes on dividends or interest they paid to investors. To administer these excise taxes, along with the tariff system, the Internal Revenue Act also created a Bureau of Internal Revenue, whose first commissioner, George Boutwell, described it as “the largest Government department ever organized.”

Illicit distillation of liquors--Southern mode of making whisky [sic] / sketched by A.W. Thompson. ( Illus. in: Harper's weekly, v. 11, no. 571 (1867 Dec. 7), p. 773. ; LOC:

night time is the right time

A table at Wikipedia shows that excise taxes accounted for a substantial part of federal revenue from 1865 through 1915 and they returned in 1928. I’m assuming that at least some moonshine was produced to avoid the government revenooer. Some people made their own spirits on the sly. As early as December 1867 Harper’s Weekly published a drawing of the illicit Southern mode of distillation. By 1877 moonshine culture had developed to such an extent that the same magazine published a page of images related to the “Moonshine Man” of Kentucky. Harper’s featured a similar page about “crooked whiskey in North Carolina” in 1879.

An apparently Republican campaign document during the 1868 election campaign showed how war debt and taxes had decreased since the war under the Republican-led Congress, but the federal government was still taxing “Distilled Spirits, Beer, Tobacco and Playing Cards”

Proclaim the truth! Financial management of the Republican party ... [n, p. 1868]. (1868; LOC:

debt and taxes certain – but Republicans reducing both

"The moonshine man" of Kentucky [Composite of 5 scenes of moonshining showing man cutting down tree, man mixing ingredients, moonshiner held captive by 3 men, 3 men on horseback begging for breakfast from framer and boy holding jug by still house] ( Illus. in: Harper's Weekly, v. 21, (1877 October 20), p. 820. ; LOC:

still life

Law and moonshine - crooked whiskey in North Carolina ( Illus. in: Harper's Weekly, 1879 Aug. 23, p. 665; LOC:

crooked whiskey in North Carolina

It seems that alcohol has had quite a big part in American history. The Whiskey Rebellion during the early 1790’s tested the federal government’s power to collect a tax on distilled spirits under the brand new Constitution: “The Whiskey Rebellion demonstrated that the new national government had the will and ability to suppress violent resistance to its laws, though the whiskey excise remained difficult to collect.”
From 1920 until 1933 the Eighteenth Amendment to the federal Constitution prohibited “the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United States and all the territory subject to the jurisdiction thereof for beverage purposes is hereby prohibited.” People could still consume alcohol if they had it and doctors could apparently prescribe “medicinal alcohol”.
Famous Whiskey Insurrection in Pennsylvania (1794; LOC:

Pennsylvanians resist whiskey taxman

Prescriptions for Medicinal Spirits - 1922 (

it’s medicinal

From the Library of Congress: night, 1868, Kentucky, North Carolina, tarred and feathered; during Prohibition – “Moonshine still recently confiscated by the Internal Revenue Bureau photographed at the Treasury Department”. The prescription can be found at Wikipedia
Moonshine still recently confiscated by the Internal Revenue Bureau photographed at the Treasury Department (between 1921 and 1932; LOC:

analyzing alcohol content? cheers

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Dem Dems

How do you get to Tammany Hall?

Um, that’s a great question. … Well, actually 150 years ago you could have gotten there by attending the Democratic National Convention, which kicked off in Tammany’s brand new headquarters in New York City on Independence Day in 1868.

Interior view of Tammany Hall, decorated for the National Convention July 4th 1868 (

Tammany Hall ready for the Dems

In its July 18, 1868 issue (page 451 at the Internet Archives) Harper’s Weekly reported that the main Democratic newspaper in New York City listed the delegates to the convention in its July 4th issue and referred to them as “The Men upon whom the Republic relies for Salvation.” Three southern states (Alabama, North Carolina, and South Carolina) were represented and each of these delegations included at least one rebel general. Former Confederate general Wade Hampton led South Carolina’s delegation. The Democratic paper referred to him as “unquestionably the leading man in South Carolina, and fills more nearly than any other the place left vacant by CALHOUN in the hearts of the white people.” Harper’s remembered that back in June Mr. Hampton toasted “The Lost Cause.” No one should forget that:

Five years ago these “friends of the Republic” celebrated the day by striking at its heart at Vicksburg and Gettysburg. This year they celebrated it by seeking some other means of consummating the crime that was then – thanks to the brave hearts and hands of loyal men! – wholly baffled. …

According to Walter Brian Cisco, Wade Hampton was surprised that he was selected as a delegate to the convention and only accepted the job because the offer “showed a spirit of conciliation.” “Southern delegates kept a relatively low profile, not wishing to embarrass the party and hamper its chances for electoral success in the North.” [1]

August Belmont (between 1855 and 1865; LOC:

Welcome to the convention
(it could be quite a horse race)

On Independence Day August Belmont welcomed delegates to the convention. You can read his speech at Daily Observations from the Civil War. Here’s a paragraph:

… Instead of restoring the Southern States to their Constitutional rights, instead of trying to wipe out the miseries of the past by a magnanimous policy, dictated alike by humanity and sound statesmanship, and so ardently prayed for by the generous heart of the American people, the Radicals in Congress, elected in an evil hour, have placed the iron heel of the conqueror upon the South. Austria did not dare to fasten upon Hungary, nor Russia to impose upon conquered Poland, the ruthless tyranny now inflicted by Congress upon the Southern States. Military satraps are invested with dictatorial power, overriding the decisions of the courts, and assuming the functions of the civil authorities, the whole population are disfranchised or forced to submit to test oaths alike revolting to justice and civilization; and a debased and ignorant race, just emerged from servitude, is raised into power to control the destinies of that fair portion of our common country. …

Apparently the dictatorial military satraps weren’t going away any time soon if Republicans stayed in power because, as Mr. Belmont pointed out when he closed his speech, the GOP chose as its presidential candidate “the general commanding the armies of the United States. Can there be any doubt left as to the designs of the Radicals, if they should be able to keep their hold on the reins of government? They intend Congressional usurpation of all the branches and functions of the government, to be enforced by the bayonets of a military despotism.”

The New-York Times didn’t share Mr. Belmont’s concern. In its July 4, 1868 issue the paper dutifully headlined the Democratic convention, but devoted all the front page’s right-hand column to what seems to have been an endorsement of Republican presidential candidate Ulysses S. Grant, even before the Democrats picked their candidate:

NY Times July 4 1868

The New-York Times July 4, 1868

Susan B. Anthony (between ca. 1915 and ca. 1920; LOC:

woman-suffrage …

Another notable headline appeared in the Times’ July 7th issue: “Petition for a Woman-Suffrage Plank in the Platform.” You can read all about it here. A letter from Susan B. Anthony, on behalf of the Woman’s Suffrage Association of America, was read to the convention. Ms. Anthony pointed out that the Republicans were trying to insert the word “male” in the Constitution, which would be “a new barrier against the enfranchisement of women.”

Over this base proposition the nation has stood silent and indifferent, while the dominant party have with one hand lifted up 2,000,000 black men, and crowned them with the honor and dignity of citizenship, with the other they have dethroned 15,000,000 white women – their own mothers and sisters, their own wives and daughters – and cast them under the heel of the lowest orders of manhood.

Ms. Anthony reminded the Democrats that they were traditionally the party of increasing suffrage. By working to remove the property qualification they enfranchised working men, who therefore tended to vote Democrat. If the party promoted and achieved female suffrage, they could expect similar electoral success. The Democrats listened to the letter but didn’t add the plank.

TH1 HW7-18-1868(

some Southerners present

TH2 HW7-18-1868 (

discussing large field of possible presidential nominees?


In May the Republican Convention unanimously nominated General Grant for president on the first ballot. It took the Democrats over twenty tries. Eventually, on July 9th they settled on former New York governor Horatio Seymour, who didn’t seek the nomination but accepted it. His running mate was Frank P. Blair (Jr.).

NY Times July 7, 1868

The New-York Times
July 7, 1868

mcpherson page 371( page 371)

no votes for Horatio –
until the 22nd round

Tammany Hall HW 7-11-1868 (

outside the hall

Harper’s mentioned three Southern delegations; I’m pretty sure Tennessee was also represented. President Johnson had the second highest support on the first presidential nominating ballot but gradually lost support “until only a few delegates from Tennessee stood by him.” [2]
From the Library of Congress: colorful interior, Mr. Belmont, Ms. Anthony, Dem ticket. You can see Edward McPherson’s table of ballots on page 371 of his book at the Internet Archives. Other images of Tammany Hall are from the July 11 and July 18, 1868 issues of Harper’s Weekly also at the Archives
Democratic candidate / Gray. ([New York] : Lith. & published by Matier & Kent, 35 Maiden Lane, N.Y., c1868.; LOC:

Dem running mates

  1. [1]Cisco, Walter Brian. Wade Hampton: Confederate Warrior, Conservative Statesman. Washington, D.C.: Potomac Books, 2006. Print. page 193.
  2. [2]Trefousse, Hans L. Andrew Johnson: A Biography. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1997. Print. page 339.
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Lost in Lexington

whamptonatcommencement (

General Wade Hampton addressed Literary Societies

According to documentation at the Library of Congress, Washington College in Lexington, Virginia held commencement exercises on June 18, 1868. A northern newspaper was disgruntled by a report from an unnamed source about some activities (toasts) during an alumni supper during commencement week and regretted having previously encouraged its readers to consider financial support for the college.

From the July 11, 1868 issue of Harper’s Weekly (at the Internet Archives Harper’s page 435):


SOME time since we called attention to a public meting in this city, under the auspices of the Governor and many of the most conspicuous Republican citizens, for the relief of Washington College in Virginia, of which General LEE is President. We said, “There is no subject more important, there is nothing so absolutely essential to peaceful reconstruction than general education in those States,” and we trusted “that those who wish to do what they can to heal all national wounds will give the subject a candid and thoughtful attention.” It was represented by the circular that the principles of WASHINGTON were to be inculcated in the college that bears his name, and nothing seemed to us more desirable for the youth of the Southern States.

Sen. Wade Hampton (between 1873 and 1890; LOC:

rebel comrades didn’t die in vain

We are now sorry to have to record that the circular did not tell the truth. The late Commencement festival at Washington College was made in part the occasion of a kind of memorial service to the “lost cause,” which was, of course, wholly a matter of taste so far as the participants were concerned. There was an alumni supper during the Commencement week, at which the fourth toast was: “The fallen heroes of the war! Noble men. The story of their martyrdom adds fresh lustre to a motto too often sneered at, Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.” To this classic toast General WADE HAMPTON responded. He said that he did not believe they had fallen in vain – the cause for which JACKSON and STUART fell cannot be in vain, but in some form would yet triumph. The eloquent General, who had also delivered the address before the Literary Societies, evidently had his eye upon the New York Convention of the 4th of July. In closing, he proposed as a toast “The lost cause.” The reporter says: “This was drank silently and solemnly by all; and in looking around we observed that nearly all present were Confederate soldiers.”

RE Lee from Pollard's Lost cause (

old Marse Robert

The eighth toast at this cheerful supper was, “The true men of the South! Having courage without rashness, prudence without timidity, they neither quail before the frown of power nor fawn upon the hands that have manacled the liberties of their country.” To this toast “The man who had led the Stonewall Brigade” was summoned to respond; and that worthy, WALKER by name, said that during the war he had sought the true interest of Virginia, and that “since the surrender he had never bowed the knee to Baal.[I think]” He never meant to acknowledge higher allegiance than he owed his State. After General LEE had retired, the health of “old Marse ROBERT,” as he was called, was drunk, “and three vociferous cheers given for the loved old hero.”

The lost cause (

what’s it worth?

These gentlemen who prefer to call a section their country, and who choose to bewail the total failure of the most causeless and cruel rebellion as a lost cause to be honored, will undoubtedly follow their fancies. But as we, persuaded by the circular and by the names of the gentlemen who called the meeting, spoke of it as one worthy the serious attention of thoughtful men, it becomes now our duty to say that the political principles of WASHINGTON are evidently despised at the College that bears his name, and that a college whose Commencement is devoted by its alumni to such a performance as this supper is a mere hot-bed of disaffection to the Union and to the principles of American Government. Moreover, every humane and charitable effort of this kind upon the part of loyal men has been received in the same way by the heroes of “the lost cause.” And these men it will be remembered, persons like WADE HAMPTON and General WALKER, are the leaders of the Democratic party in the Southern States.

In his Farewell Address George Washington warned his fellow Americans not to place section above nation; Liberty required Union – individual states should not secede.

General R.E. Lee's farewell address (LOC:

lost but not forgotten

The Lost Cause movement takes its name from Edward A. Pollard’s 1866 book by that name. You can read it at the HathiTrust. Mr. Pollard began his book by going right after the national unity George Washington promoted:

There is nothing of political philosophy more plainly taught in history than the limited value of the Federal Principle. [All prior federal governments either consolidated or disintegrated. Federalism is a temporary measure for weak and immature states.] It is not to be denied that the Federal principle is valuable in peculiar circumstances and for temporary ends. But it is essentially not permanent; and all attempts to make it so, though marked for certain periods by fictitious prosperity and sudden evidences of material activity and progress, have ultimately resulted in intestine commotions and the extinction of the form of government. What, indeed, can be more natural than that the members of a confederation, after they have advanced in political life and become mature and powerful, should desire for themselves independence and free action, and be impatient of a system founded on their early and past necessities!


Edward A. Pollard wouldn’t have liked the first president’s call for national unity, but he might have at least appreciated that George Washington didn’t make himself king … or emperor.

A couple posts here have touched on Japan’s rise. The First Japanese Embassy to the United States arrived in 1860, six years after American Commodore Matthew Perry “opened” Japan. President James Buchanan welcomed the diplomats at the White House and the Japanese apparently also visited the Washington Navy Yard. In 1868 the Meiji Restoration restored imperial rule in Japan. In 1904-1905 Japan defeated Russia in a bilateral hot war. And it looks like a hundred years ago one of the sides in the Russian Civil War sent representatives to Tokyo to ask for Japanese and Allied help in its war against the Bolsheviks and Germans. The Japanese might have had a pretty high regard for George Washington. From the June 23, 1918 issue of the New York Tribune:

NY Tribune 6-23-1918 (LOC:

an iconic George Washington


It’s Independence Day in the United States: a living Liberty Bell from the July 21, 1918 issue of The New-York Times:

NY Times July 21, 1918 (LOC:

playing their parts for liberty

The picture of the Liberty bell was taken at Fort Dix, namesake of a Union general who in early 1861 as Secretary of the Treasury famously and emphatically rejected sectionalism, at least southern sectionalism.
From the Library of Congress: Wade Hampton, the lost cause (noticed that Judah Benjamin is still smiling on the $2 bill), Lee’s Farewell. The engraving of Robert E. Lee was published in E.A. Pollard’s book at HathiTrust on about page 338
Posted in 150 Years Ago, Aftermath, Postbellum Politics, Postbellum Society, Reconstruction, Southern Society | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

death down south

In early June 1868 two black men fought a duel in South Carolina; one of the men was mortally wounded. A northern editorial thought that duels in general were absurd, tragic, and barbaric, but saw this particular duel as a step in the right direction. It revealed “an awakening sense of manhood and even of self-respect.” From the June 27, 1868 issue of Harper’s Weekly (at the Internet Archives Harper’s pages 404-405):

BlackDuel1HW6-27-1868p404 (

up from slavery

BlackDuel2HW6-27-1868p405 (BlackDuel1HW6-27-1868p404 (

imitating the “lately dominant class”


Social scientists might discourage reading too much into one isolated duel; on the other hand, there was increasing evidence that throughout the South the Ku Klux Klan was killing black people and whites sympathetic to greater rights for the freedmen.

On page 403 in the same June 27th issue Harper’s commented on the murder of G.W. Dill and two negroes at Camden, South Carolina. G.W. Dill had been elected as a Republican member of the next South Carolina legislature:

… a party of the Ku-Klux Klan went to the house of Mr. DILL and murdered two or three persons who were guilty of being colored men and non-believers in the Ku-Klux Democracy.

“Very well,” exclaims some disciple of VALLANDIGHAM and SEYMOUR; “you are responsible for it.” “How?” “By exciting hatred of race with your confounded equal rights and suffrage.” “And how would you have prevented it?” “By putting the nigger in his place, and keeping him there.”

Such a conversation is a free but a remarkably accurate rendering of the speech of the Indiana Senator, candidate, etc. [Thomas A. Hendricks, a candidate for the 1868 Democrat presidential nomination, according to Harper’s], who said that in his judgment “the people” of the late rebel States meant the late rebel class, and that they alone were rightly invested with political power. Let them do as they choose with the rest of the population. Such a plan would not, of course, excite any hatred of race. …

KKK Bloody Moon Waltz K.K.K., or Bloody moon waltz (Jas. A. McClure, Nashville, 1868; LOC:

” or Bloody moon waltz”

Googling around, it appears that Solomon G.W. Dill was a former Confederate soldier who had joined the Republican party and supported black suffrage.
According to the Library of Congress the sheet music was published in 1868.
Posted in 150 Years Ago This Week, Aftermath, Postbellum Society, Reconstruction, Southern Society | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment