
1st U.S. colored infantry (between 1861 and 1865; LOC: LC-USZC2-6431)

“1st U.S. colored infantry”

150 years ago today a Bureau of Colored Troops was ordered by the federal War Department:

No. 143
Washington, May 22, 1863.

I — A Bureau is established in the Adjutant General’s Office for the record of all matters relating to the organization of Colored Troops, An officer, will be assigned to the charge of the Bureau, with such number of clerks as may be designated by the Adjutant General. …

VI — Colored troops maybe accepted by companies, to be afterward consolidated in battalions and regiments by the Adjutant General. The regiments will be numbered seriatim, in the order in which they are raised, the numbers to be determined by the Adjutant General. They will be designated: “——Regiment of U. S. Colored Troops.” …

Assistant Adjutant General.

Charles William Foster, Jr. was the chief of the bureau. The U.S.C.T. designation replaced a bunch of state names.

Seven Score and Ten posted on the black soldiers’ concern that they be treated as prisoners of war by the South if captured (as opposed to being re-enslaved, for example).

Rather die freemen than live to be slaves - 3rd United States Colored Troops (between 1860 and 1870; LOC: LC-USZ62-23098)

3rd United States Colored Troops rather die free

Here’s some evidence that the Lincoln administration intended to treat the black troops as separate but equal in terms of pay and benefits and expected them to be treated the same as whites if captured.

From the Richmond Daily Dispatch May 15, 1863:

How negro soldiers are to be treated.

The following letter, from Gov. Andrew, of Massachusetts, is in reply to questions addressed to him by Mr. Downing, concerning the position of colored troops in respect to pay, equipments, bounty, and protection, compared to that of white volunteers.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Executive Department. Boston, March23, 1863.

Geo. T. Downing, Esq., N. Y.

Dear Sir

–In reply to your inquiries made as to the position of colored men who may be enlisted and mustered into the service of the United States, I would say that their position in respect to pay, equipments, bounty, or any aid and protection, when so mustered, will be precisely the same in every particular as that of any and all other volunteers.

I desire further to state to you, that when I was in Washington, on one occasion in an interview with Mr. Stanton, the Secretary of War, he stated, in the most emphatic manner, that he would never consent that free colored men should be accepted into the service, to serve as soldiers in the South, until he should be assured that the Government of the United States was prepared to guarantee and defend, to the last dollar and the last man, to these men all the rights, privileges and immunities that are given by the laws of civilized warfare to other soldiers. Their present acceptance and muster in as soldiers, pledges the honor of the nation in the same degree and to the same rights with all other troops. They will be soldiers of the Union–nothing less and nothing different. I believe they will earn for themselves an honorable fame, vindicating their race and redeeming their future from the aspersions of the past.

I am yours, truly,

John A. Andrew

At the National Archives points out “By the end of the Civil War, roughly 179,000 black men (10 percent of the Union Army) served as soldiers in the U.S. Army, and another 19,000 served in the Navy.”

The National Park Service provides a good overview of The Bureau of Colored Troops

The 1st Regiment Infantry USCT was organized in May and June 1863; the 3rd Infantry in August 1863.

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A military tribunal sentenced Clement Laird Vallandigham to prison at Fort Warren for the duration of the war at his trial in early May 1863 on charges of treasonous, anti-war speech. Apparently, the Lincoln administration was concerned about the political impact of keeping the Copperhead locked up in Boston harbor indefinitely. Eventually the administration decided to send him to the Confederates. Before the decision was well known there was a lot of speculation about where Vallandigham might be headed. Here a Northern Democrat paper feared he might be assassinated, or at least wrote it to fire up its readership.

From a Seneca County, New York newspaper in May 1863:

The Nation Disgraced.

In the sentence of Hon. C.L. VALLANDIGHAM, free speech and personal liberty have been sacrificed, the people of the North insulted and the nation disgraced. Arrested without warrant of law, tried without indictment, for an offense unknown to the statute books of the nation; denied the constitutional right of trial by jury, and sentenced by the decree of a military despot to the walls of a dungeon; can it be a subject for marvel that the aisles of democratic freedom should ring with the indignant declamation of outraged civil liberty? Can it be considered extraordinary, that every hill-top of the nation should echo the cry of shame, and that every valley where civilization nestles, should bristle with hostile demonstrations against the aggressions of federal despotism.

The popular impression that fanaticism is wholly blinded by its own evil passions, never was more truthfully demonstrated than in the arrest of VALLANDIGHAM, the bold and dauntless champion of free speech and personal liberty.

To add insult to injury, Mr. VALLANDIGHAM has been secretly abducted from his place of confinement, in Cincinnati, and transferred none knows whither. Perhaps assassinated. Meanwhile his injured and innocent family are suffering all the anguish of suspense, and all the agony of separation incident to his unjust punishment and uncertain fate.

Some people thought Vallandigham might have been sentenced to the Dry Tortugas.

From the Richmond Daily Dispatch May 18, 1863:

Mr. Vallandigham–Lincoln and the North.

The latest Northern news received here brings the rumor that Mr. Vallandigham has been sentenced by the drum-head court that tried him to two years imprisonment at hard labor on the Dry Tortugas, Florida. The Herald discredits the rumor on the ground that the rigid rule of secrecy prevailing in such courts as tried him would prevent its decision from gaining publicity until made public by the court itself. The same paper takes occasion to say that such a sentence would make certain Mr. V.’s election as Governor of Ohio in the fall.

In the meantime there are indications of some popular excitement on account of Mr. Vallandigham’s arbitrary arrest and trial — especially in New York, where a large meeting had been held on the subject. Mr. James Brooks, of the Express, made a very strong declaration in his speech to that meeting. He said, “In my judgment and belief it is not so much the intention of the Administration to subjugate the South as it is to subjugate the North!” Mr. Brooks is mistaken in this much. That it is the intention to subjugate the South, and the execution of that intention renders it necessary to subjugate the North! The very process demands the exercise of arbitrary power that is utterly inconsistent with freedom at the North. Both North and South must be free, or neither. It is impossible that the Southern States can be conquered and held as provinces by the Washington Government, while the Northern States retain their independent sovereignties under the Constitution. The Federal Administration is certainly not more humane in its purpose towards the South than the North. It merely ignores the State and personal rights of the North as a means to make more complete the crushing of all right, all justice in the South–the general subjugation, robbery, and ruin of the Southern people. But Mr. Brooks is bold in his language, and may have to follow Mr. Vallandigham to Tortugas, if Lincoln has the courage to send him there. …

According to A Life of Clement L. Vallandigham By James Laird Vallandigham, Mr. Vallandigham had been “secretly abducted” to a boat in the Ohio River:

All efforts for Mr. Vallandigham’s release having failed, on the 19th day of May, 1863, he was placed upon the gunboat Exchange, commanded by Captain John Sebastian, to be transferred to Louisville on his way South. … It was the 19th of May when Mr. V. was put in charge of Captain Sebastian, and at 11 o’clock on the 22d the steamer started down the river. He was informed of the change of his sentence (from imprisonment in Fort Warren to banishment to the South) upon the gunboat a day or two before.

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Not Abe’s Australia

Portrait of Maj. Gen. Edward R. S. Canby, officer of the Federal Army (Between 1860 and 1865 by Theodore Lilienthal; LOC: LC-DIG-cwpb-07417)

General Canby on the telegraph to Burnside

Northern Democrats were extremely indignant over the arrest, trial, and sentencing of Clement Vallandigham. As the Lincoln administration worked out what to do with the troublesome Copperhead, Southerners also became indignant. The Confederacy wasn’t about to become a dumping ground for the North’s problems. On the other hand, if Mr. Vallandigham chose to move to the Confederate states, he would be welcomed with southern hospitality.

From The Papers And Writings Of Abraham Lincoln, Volume Six:


UNITED STATES MILITARY TELEGRAPH, May 10 [19?], 1863. By telegraph from Washington, 9.40 PM, 1863

TO MAJOR-GENERAL BURNSIDE, Commanding Department of Ohio.

SIR:—The President directs that without delay you send C. L. Vallandigham under secure guard to the Headquarters of General Rosecrans, to be put by him beyond our military lines; and in case of his return within our lines, he be arrested and kept in close custody for the term specified in his sentence.

By order of the President: E. R. S. CANBY, Assistant Adjutant-General.

WAR DEPARTMENT, May 20, 1863.

MAJOR-GENERAL A. B. BURNSIDE, Commanding Department of Ohio, Cincinnati, O.

Your despatch of three o’clock this afternoon to the Secretary of War has been received and shown to the President. He thinks the best disposition to be made of Vallandigham is to put him beyond the lines, as directed in the order transmitted to you last evening, and directs that you execute that order by sending him forward under secure guard without delay to General Rosecrans.

By order of the President: ED. R. S. CANBY, Brigadier-General

Perrine's new topographical war map of the southern states Taken from the latest government surveys and official reports. E. R. Jewett & Co., engravers, Buffalo, N. Y. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1863, by C. O. Perrine. (LOC:  g3861s cw0043600 http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.gmd/g3861s.cw0043600)

not a Federal penal colony

From the Richmond Daily Dispatch May 20, 1863:

Mr. Vallandigham.

We agree with several of our contemporaries that if Lincoln has decided in reality to commute the sentence of Mr. Vallandigham to banishment to the Southern Confederacy, that he should not be permitted to remain here. The vulgar tyrant of Washington should not be allowed to take such a liberty — to establish a penal colony within our boundary. If, as the Enquirer suggests, Lincoln simply banishes him from Yankeedom and he selects the Southern Confederacy as a place of refuge, the rights of hospitality of course cannot be denied him, and he would be receive[d] with the consideration due to a very distinguished and consistent statesman, who has marked boldness and firmness in criticizing and reproving the usurpations and outrages of the Lincoln Government.

Edward Richard Sprigg Canby was sent back East after defeating a rebel army in New Mexico Territory.

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“magnificence of war” no more

maryes-heights (http://www.gutenberg.org/files/21976/21976-h/21976-h.htm page 196)

Howe’s Division storms Marye’s Heights May 3, 1863

From a Seneca County, New York newspaper in May 1863:

Coming Home.

It has been definitely determined that the 33d Regiment, and the old 19th, (now the 3d N.Y. artillery) will be mustered out of service on the 22d inst. Both Regiments will probably be home by the 1st of June, and they should receive a spontaneous and hearty welcome at the hands of their fellow citizens. They will come with ranks shattered and rent with the bronze of camp and bivouac – heroes of battle fields which will live in legend and story while the race lives. Their welcome should be full of heartiness and enthusiasm. Our village has many gallant representatives in these Regiments, whose names are foremost among their country’s defenders. In pathetic contrast will be their return to their going forth two years ago, when their ranks were full, and their uniforms bright ?, and their faces all aglow with some wild vision of the pomp and magnificence of war. Some of them have found soldiers graves, unmarked and unknown, some have wasted in hospitals and from thence wandered forth into the valley of the shadow. To their companions who return, the public owes a lasting debt of honor and gratitude.

As it turned out the 33rd left (page 322 and following) the front on Friday, May 15, 1863 and reached Elmira, New York on Sunday, the 17th. It stayed in Elmira for about a week.

The image comes from a book about the Sixth Corps at Project Gutenberg on page 196.

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Grand Theft Horse

Western border states Waters and son Eng.  Hall, Edward S. Created/Published  N.Y., New York H. H. Lloyd & Co. c1861.  (LOC: g3700 cw0012700 http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.gmd/g3700.cw0012700)

Western Border States, c.1861

I’m not sure how true the following letter is; from a Southern perspective, it’s not bad propaganda. Yankees are still thieves and their will for war might be faltering – “Officers are resigning every week.” The Yankees seem to be living high on the southern hog. The surgeon is well-fed and has time to make repeated trips to the photography studio to get just the right portrait for his family. The only shortage seems to be of postage stamps.

From the Richmond Daily Dispatch May 15, 1863:

Yankee life in the South.

–Among some letters recently captured by our cavalry in Tennessee, is one from a Yankee Surgeon– Capt. J. N. Groves, of the 98th Illinois regiment. He is writing to “Dear Regina,” his wife. He says:

We have just returned from a grand thieving expedition; some may call it a scouting party but the most appropriate name is the former. We captured about a thousand horses, five hundred negroes, and two hundred prisoners. It was the first trip I had been on of the kind. We would go to the field where the negroes were plowing and make them unharness and get on the horses and strike out; enter the smoke houses and take all the house we could carry, and then burn the rest. The women would cry and beg, but to no purpose.–One of our men was shot, and Dr. Vertress and I amputated his leg, at a Mr. Anderson’s. We took all his horses but one. This belonged to a young lady, who gave me the mare, and told me she would sooner make me a present of her than to let the soldiers steal her. I have got her; she is the finest animated ever saw. –I could talk about incidents for a month that happened on this trip, but I will refrain. I have got a very fine silk dress for you and Nelly. I will send them as soon as possible.–The black one is for you and the green one for Nelly. Your dress pattern is worth thirty dollars; and also a fine scarf, red; you may do as you please with it. I do not know what the latter is for. Tom Cox, the man that took the coffee, stole the silks and gave them to me.–He run out of money going home and sold the coffee. I have got a shot gun for Walter; a nice carbine that will shoot a thousand yards for your father. If I get a chance I will send them home. Officers are resigning every week. I will send your dresses next week by Capt. Cox; he will express them from Olney. I am not caring whether I get home or not; I could only stay there a few weeks if I were to go, and it will not cost any more for you to come to see me than for me to go and see you. Get your clothing made and when you are ready to come let me know, I want you to travel some, and this will be a nice trip. Whenever you see Col. Winders [Wilder’s] mounted brigade mentioned look out for breakers; they run the rebels into the mountains and catch them. It is the brigade that the bloody 98th belongs to. I love to go on these wild trips, but it is not often that I get the privilege of going. I have not received any word from your mother for a long time. I have gone up to the gallery to have my picture taken twice, and did not get one to suit me. I will not send one until it suits me; you don’t want an ugly picture. You can’t guess what we had for dinner. Eggs, biscuit, butter, ham, potatoes, molasses, pies, peaches and blackberries, and other articles too tedious to mention. I wish you would send me some stamps, they are very scarce here. I hope you have got that money by this time.–Answer soon, your affectionate husband.

J.T. Wilder, Bv't.-Brig. General (photographed between 1861 and 1865, printed later; LOC: LC-USZ62-113167)

‘permission to raid’

For at least part of 1863 the 98th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment was indeed a unit in “Wilder’s Mounted Infantry.” John Thomas Wilder enlisted as a private in an Indiana regiment in 1861 and quickly moved up the ranks. In September 1862 Wilder surrendered the Union garrison at Munfordville, Kentucky to Simon Buckner’s Confederates. Two months later he was released:

When Wilder returned to his command at the end of 1862, it was clear that his stint in captivity had done little to diminish his audacity. In March of 1863, after his troops unanimously voted to adopt the Spencer repeating rifle, the colonel once again displayed his penchant for innovation—and his complete disregard for army red tape—by taking it upon himself to rearm his entire brigade with private funds loaned from Indiana bankers. At the same time, Wilder received permission to raid the Tennessee countryside for horses in order to reorganize his outfit as mounted infantry. Armed with state-of-the-art weapons and, now, mounted, Wilder’s four regiments became an integral instrument in the Army of the Cumberland’s 1863 campaigns, often on detached missions or in advance of the army.

Later in Wilder’s long life he “was commissioner of the Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park.”

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Indignation Meetings

clement-vallandigham (Harper's Weekly, June 6, 1863)

His arrest inspired indignation

On May 5, 1863 Clement Vallandigham was arrested in Ohio for expressing disloyal opinions for the purpose of weakening the Union war effort. It is written that after his trial on May 6th and 7th Vallandigham “was sentenced to confinement in a military prison “during the continuance of the war” at Fort Warren.” Democrats throughout the North were riled up.

From a Seneca County, New York newspaper in 1863:

The illegal arrest of VALLANDIGHAM has thoroughly aroused the Northern States. Public meetings are being held in almost every town and county in New York, and the action of the people indicates that they do not regard this as an individual affair, but as a question involving the dearest and most sacred rights of American freemen. The people of Seneca county should not be less patriotic and determined than their conservative friends elsewhere. Let them rally then to the Mass Meeting at Waterloo to-morrow.

I don’t know the date of the Waterloo rally, but 150 years ago today a protest meeting was held in the state capital in Albany. Soldiers tried to break up the meeting.

Albany, N.Y. ( New York : Smith Bros. & Co., [ca. 1853]; LOC:  LC-DIG-ppmsca-09252)

Albany on the Hudson, ca.1853

From The New-York Times May 17, 1863:


ALBANY, Saturday, May 16.

The meeting to protest against the arbitrary arrest and sentence of Hon. CLEMENT L. VALLANDIGHAM, at the Capitol to-night, was largely attended. Strong speeches were made by Hon. AMASA J. PARKER, Hon. FRANCIS KEDNAN, JOHN MURPHY, Esq., of Buffalo, and others.

Resolutions were moved denouncing the arrest of Mr. VALLANDIGHAM as an unwarrantable assumption of military power. The resolutions were adopted.

Hon. Horatio Seymour (between 1855 and 1865; LOC: LC-DIG-cwpbh-01843)

NY governor: law and justice have been violated

A letter was then read from Gov. SEYMOUR, characterizing the arrest of Mr. VALLANDIGHAM as “an act which has brought dishonor upon our country, which is full of danger to our persons and our homes, and which bears upon its front co[n]scious violation of law and justice.”

An attempt was made to disturb the meeting, but it failed, and the police succeeded in making several arrests of the guilty parties.


There was some disturbance at the Vallandigham indignation meeting to-night.

During the day a feeling of opposition to the object of the meeting among some of the returned soldiers was clearly manifest, and soon after the organization of the meeting this evening, evidences of dissatisfaction were shown among the soldiers present. The speakers were interrupted by their noisy demonstrations, and finally they made a rush for the stage.

Great excitement prevailed for a short time, and the proceedings were brought to a stand still.

The chairs on the stage were broken in pieces and thrown in the crowd, and for a few minutes it seemed as if the the soldiers would gain possession of the stage and drive the civilians off. The soldiers were in small force, however, and finally retired, when order was once more restored, and the proceeding resumed, although not without occasional interruptions.

Eventually quiet was fully restored, and the meeting carried on peacefully.

The image of Clement Vallandigham was published in the June 6, 1863 issue of Harper’s Weekly. We can all view it today thanks to Son of the South.

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This war sure has been hell, but 150 years ago today a Richmond editorial took a break from battle and advocated a kinder, gentler approach to educating young Confederate citizens.

From the Richmond Daily Dispatch May 15, 1863:

Don’t snub the child.

–Many a child has been wilted into silence and frightened out of success simply by being snubbed. It is very easy to snub a child; equally easy to encourage the child and lead him to the accomplishment of something useful. Children have strong sympathies, warm and tender hearts.–They soon form attachments to those who are placed in authority over them, or else they regard them with a feeling very nearly allied to hatred. What child ever loved a cross, snappish teacher? What child ever hated a teacher or parent who showed a loving interest in the child’s success?

Very easy, indeed, is it to discourage the little student. He has spent an hour or two at home over a lesson which seems dull to him. Father, mother, and the big brothers not being well versed on the subject, give him no assistance. He goes to school, hoping that he will make a very good recitation. He is not quite up to the mark. “Dunce,” “booby, ” “blockhead,” says the unwise teacher. The poor little fellow’s heart sinks all the way to his ankles. What use is there of his trying? He is a booby. Why should he learn anything? Has not his teacher, who certainly knows him, told him he is a dunce? Is not his head made of mahogany? He despairs of ever succeeding; sits down in a fit of despondency, and makes a positive failure in his lesson for the next day. Had the teacher encouraged him a little, kindly pointed out to him his faults right, he might have come the next day with a marry heart, a cheerful face, and a learned lesson.

An old fashioned boys' school, 1905 (c.1905; LOC: LC-USZ62-37935)

who are you calling a dunce?

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Looking for ‘Loyal’ Women

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and her daughter, Harriot--from a daguerreotype 1856 (between 1890 and 1910 of daguerreotype taken 1856; LOC: LC-USZ62-48965)

Elizabeth Cady Stanton in 1856

From a Seneca County, New York newspaper in 1863:

A Call for Loyal Women.

Mrs. ELIZABETH CADY STANTON, familiarly known to the citizens of our village, is out with a call for a meeting of the “loyal women of the nation,” to be held in New York, on Thursday, May 14th. The call is published in the Tribune, and appeals most impassionately to strong-minded women, whose husbands are Abolitionists, to come out and assist in reviving the slumbering patriotism of the home circle. This is the last call to the chivalrous Wide Awakes of the North, who do not volunteer to fight the rebels for the abolition of slavery. The Abolition women are determined to shame the Abolition men into acton, hence the stirring appeal of Sister STANTON. We indulge in the liveliest hopes that this movement will result in great good, and that Mrs. STANTON’s able-bodied husband, and sons, who are now drawing large salaries as attachees of the New York Custom House, may be induced to volunteer, and that, too, without delay.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, halftone repr. of 1848 photo with her sons, Daniel and Henry (1848; LOC: LC-USZ62-50821)

Seneca Falls 48er

Elizabeth Cady Stanton was “familiarly known” to the people of Seneca Falls, New York because she lived there for a time and “Her Declaration of Sentiments, presented at the first women’s rights convention held in 1848 in Seneca Falls, New York, is often credited with initiating the first organized women’s rights and women’s suffrage movements in the United States.”

The Woman’s National Loyal League was indeed formed in New York City on May 14, 1863 “to organize support for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would abolish slavery.” Susan B. Anthony was Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s co-founder of the organizational meeting:

The League was the first national women’s political organization in the United States. Stanton and Anthony laid the groundwork for it by publishing an “Appeal to the Women of the Republic” in the New York Tribune, an influential newspaper that opposed slavery. They then circulated the Appeal as a tract that included the call for the convention.

On the following day The New-York Times published a long report on the meeting. Susan B. Anthony laid out a series of resolutions that expressed why women have a strong interest in supporting the war of freedom versus slavery. Elizabeth Cady Stanton spoke at the beginning of the meeting. She probably fired up the meeting by suggesting that after the war America should colonize Africa – with ex-slaveowners and Copperheads.

From The New-York Times May 15, 1863:

THE LADIES’ LEAGUE.; Meetings at Dr. Cheever’s Church and Cooper Institute Addresses by Miss Susan B. Anthony, Lucy Stone, Mrs. Anteinette BrownBlackwell, Ernestine L. Rose and Others. SPEECH OF ELIZABETH CADY STANTON. SPEECH OF MRS. WELD. THE RESOLUTIONS. …

The National Convention of the Women of America, met at the Church of the Puritans at 10 o’clock yesterday morning. A large audience was present composed mainly of ladies.

Mrs. SUSAN B. ANTHONY opened the proceedings by reading the “call,” …

Mrs. ELIZABETH CADY STANTON was then introduced, and spoke for about an hour in summarizing the events of the pending war. This rebellion, she said, had been long in contemplation; it would have taken place four years earlier if FREMONT had been elected President. The Republicans had contemplated no assault upon Slavery, but the election of Mr. LINCOLN would have prevented the further extension of Slavery. The South understood this and hence took up arms. She proposed that at the conclusion of the war, instead of removing any class of laborers from the country, the Government should colonize the Southern aristocrats, together with a few Northern Copperheads, in Africa, to civilize that country. She thought that they possessed a peculiar aptitude in that direction. …

Miss SUSAN B. ANTHONY offered the following series of resolutions:

1. Resolved, That the present war between Slavery and Freedom, is but one phase of the irrepressible conflict between the aristocratic doctrine that power, not humanity, is statute-maker, and the Democratic principle that self-government is the inalienable right of the people.

2. Resolved, That we heartily approve of that part of the President’s Proclamation which decrees freedom to the slaves of rebel masters, and we earnestly urge him to devise measures for emancipating all the slaves throughout the country.

3. Resolved, That the national faith to the freedman must be redeemed, and the integrity of the Government in making it vindicated, at whatever cost.

4. Resolved, That while we welcome to legal freedom the recent slaves, we solemnly remonstrate against all state or national legislation which may exclude them from any locality, or debar them from any rights or privileges as free and equal citizens of a common Republic.

Resolved, That it is in the same class favoring aristocrat interests, that the property, the liberty and the lives of all slaves, all citizens of African descent, and all women are placed at the mercy of a legislation in which they are not represented. There never can be a true peace in this Republic until the civil and political equality of every subject of the Government shall be practically established.

Susan B. Anthony (Sarony & Co., photographers, 680 Broadway, N.Y. [ca. 1870]; LOC: LC-USZ62-30742)

Susan B. Anthony about 1870

6. Resolved, That if Northern women lack enthusiasm in this war, it is because they have not seen its real nature and purport. If the wife or mother cheerfully lays her loved ones on the altar, she must be impelled to it by a living faith in the justice of her cause.

7. Resolved, That the women of the Revolution were not wanting in heroism and self-sacrifice, and we, their daughters, are ready in this war to pledge our time, our means, our talents, and our lives if need be, to secure the final and complete consecration to freedom.

These resolutions were adopted …

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“like a funeral pall”

"Fighting Joe Hooker" (between 1861 and 1865; LOC: LC-DIG-stereo-1s02857)

premature “congratulatory order”

From a Seneca County, New York in May 1863:

Another Fredericksburg Disaster.

The disastrous intelligence of the defeat of the Army of the Potomac under HOOKER, falls like a funeral pall upon the minds of the people. For six months past that brave army has been undergoing re-organization at the hands of “Fightong JOE HOOKER,” as his ardent admirers are pleased to call him, and the people led to believe that when he moved the rebel army would ingloriously retreat or suffer disaster and annihilation. The strength of his army was almost double that with which MCCLELLAN attempted the capture of Richmond, numbering according to the most authentic accounts, no less than 160,000 effective and well disciplined soldiers. With this immense army Gen. HOOKER crossed the Rappahannock on Monday and Tuesday of last week, without mush apparent resistence [sic] from the enemy. He immediately established his headquarters at Chancellorsville, partially in the rear of the Confederate forces, from which place a congratulatory order was issued, announcing in advance, like the braggart POPE, the defeat and destruction of the entire rebel army. the day after, the ball was opened, the Confederates under JACKSON commencing the attack, driving our forces, out of their entrenchments with great slaughter on both sides.

Chancellorsville (1899; LOC: LC-USZ62-118168)

Driving General Hooker

The battle raged with great fury on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the enemy being largely reinforced and driving HOOKER before them at all points. Upon the temporary cessation of hostilities the commanding General seemed at a loss to know what to do, and being out-generaled and foiled at all points, ingloriously retreated, on Tuesday, across the Rappahannock. The loss is frightful on both sides, ours being estimated at fifteen to twenty thousand in killed and wounded.

We have no heart to comment upon this most appalling disaster. The slaughter was so horrible we shrink from even thinking of it. Upon the Administration at Washington must rest the awful responsibility of this most sweeping disaster. They are gambling with war, and unnecessarily sacrifising [sic] the lives of our countrymen, by placing incompetent and imbecile commanders at the head of our armies. Since the sacrifice and removal of MCCLELLAN, more than six months ago, we have not gained a single victory over the enemy, vide Pope, Burnside and “Fighting Joe Hooker.”

Here’s a couple more clippings in local papers about Chancellorsville from May 1863:

Capt. H.J. GIFFORD, of Co. D., 33d Regiment writes to the Rochester Union that the loss of the 33d in the recent battle is: 18 killed; 126 wounded, 67 missing. Also 6 officers wounded, and one missing.

I could not find a Rager in the 33d roster, but this is a sad story that would back up the pain in the editorial:

Among the killed in Capt. Cole’s company, 33d Regiment, at the late battle of Fredericksburg, was GEORGE RAGER, of Waterloo. The Observersays: One of the most painful scenes we have witnessed in a long time, was the grief displayed by Mrs. RAGER on learning the death of her son, who was a most excellent soldier, and only 17 years of age.

Removing wounded across Rappahannock River after battle of Chancellorsville - under flag of truce (photographed between 1861 and 1865, printed between 1880 and 1889; LOC: LC-DIG-ppmsca-32812 )

‘Removing wounded across Rappahannock River after battle of Chancellorsville – under flag of truce’

Posted in 150 Years Ago This Month, Chancellorsville Campaign, Military Matters, Northern Politics During War, Northern Society | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

“his spirit still lives”

Stonewall Jackson by N.C. Wyeth in THE LONG ROLL BY MARY JOHNSTON, 1911

Stonewall Jackson

From a Seneca County, New York newspaper in May 1863:

Death of Stonewall Jackson.

The reported death of this bold and impulsive Confederate General is confirmed, as will be seen by he following order issued by Gen. LEE. He died on the 10th inst. from wounds accidentally received from one of his own men, during the late battle of Fredericksburg:

May 11.


Lee-Jackson Meeting at Chancellorsville (NPS)

Stonewall’s demise – not in the plans, but in the cards

With deep grief the commanding General announces to the army the death of Lieut. Gen. T.J. Jackson, who expired on the 10th inst., at 3:15 p.m.

The daring skill and energy of this great and good soldier by the decree of an All Wise Providence, are now lost to us, but while we mourn his death we feel that his spirit still lives, and will inspire the whole army with his indomitable courage and unshaken confidence in God as our hope and strength.

Let his name be a watch word to his Corps who have followed him to victory on so many fields.

Let the officers and soldiers imitate his invincibly [?] determination to do everything in the defence of our beloved country.



The last meeting of Gens. Lee & Jackson" (no date recorded on shelflist card; LOC:  LC-DIG-pga-01453)

defending their beloved country

Posted in 150 Years Ago This Week, Chancellorsville Campaign, Confederate States of America, Military Matters | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment