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Category Archives: Military Matters
tough “tug of war” ahead
It seems like it was a rough week 150 years ago for the Palmetto state, the first star on the Confederate flag. Columbia, South Carolina’s capital fell to Sherman’s army and much of the city burned. The next day Charleston, … Continue reading
praying for spring?
Elmira, New York, as a prison for captured rebels and as a recruiting and mustering in place for new Union soldiers, was in the news 150 years ago this month. From the Richmond Daily Dispatch February 18, 1865: Religion in … Continue reading
freedom on offer?
On February 9, 1865 Richmond held a meeting to take stock of the unsuccessful peace negotiations held earlier in the month and to discuss what to do next. Secretary of State Judah P. Benjamin was one of the speakers. He … Continue reading
As a local paper in the Finger Lakes region began compiling information about the early February fight around Hatcher’s Run, it criticized someone’s praise of General Grant’s tactics in an action that cost 800 Union casualties. From a Seneca County, … Continue reading
“the Yankees were moving”
As “Lee’s Adjutant”, Walter Taylor, wrote to his girlfriend, 150 years ago today he had to leave church service early because he received word that, groundhog-like, the Union army had aroused itself from winter slumber and was on the move. … Continue reading
pledging allegiance
States’ Rights was dying hard in the South, a couple Virginia regiments were still full of fight. From the Richmond Daily Dispatch February 4, 1865: Saturday morning…February 4, 1865. … Rebellion. Even Lord John Russell confesses his inability to see … Continue reading
making tracks for peace?
President Lincoln was going to talk with the rebel peace commissioners. The first leg of his journey was by train. From The New-York Times February 3, 1865: THE PEACE CONFERENCE; MOVEMENTS OF THE PRESIDENT. He is Summoned to Fortress M[o]nroe … Continue reading
ice blockade
It was reported that Mother Nature helped out the rebel cause a bit. Presumably federal government horses and mules were at risk. From The New-York Times January 29, 1865: NEWS FROM WASHINGTON.; MR. BLAIR’S PRIVATE PAPERS. Special Dispatches to the … Continue reading