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Category Archives: Military Matters
Charlie Wheeler’s Funeral
150 years ago today a young woman from Canandaigua, New York attended the funeral of a soldier killed at Gettysburg. Captain Wheeler of the 126th New York Infantry had been killed by a sharpshooter on the morning of July 3rd. … Continue reading
Press scrutiny of the Conscription drawings A Democrat paper went to Auburn 150 years ago today to make sure the draft was carried out fairly. It reported that everything seemed fair – as long as the names in the box … Continue reading
“tax ourselves”
In reviewing the Conscription Act of 1863, James M. McPherson writes that “Substitution was hallowed by tradition … The Republican architects of the draft law inserted commutation as a means of putting a cap on the price of substitutes … … Continue reading
the usual suspects
A Democrat newspaper in from a small town in New York state digests the information that Lee’s army retreated from Gettysburg and made it south of the Potomac largely unscathed. It has to be the Republican administration’s fault. Everything was … Continue reading
Executives in action
Consequences of Vicksburg and Gettysburg 150 years ago yesterday President Lincoln called for a day of Thanksgiving; President Davis called for more troops – all white men between the ages of eighteen and forty-five not exempt. Of course, drafting in … Continue reading
Cayuga in the City
On July 14, 1863 New York Governor Seymour requested recently mustered out two year volunteers from the Third Volunteer Artillery (Previously the 19th Infantry) to organize and go to New York City to help quell the draft riots. Men began … Continue reading
“A Day of Infamy and Disgrace”
150 years ago today riots broke out in New York City. The immediate cause was the commencement of the draft in New York Congressional districts. As James McPerson pointed out, most of the New York militia and federal troops were … Continue reading
Union General Meade wrote his wife 150 years ago today. From The life and letters of George Gordon Mead:…Volume 2 (page 133): HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, SOUTH MOUNTAIN PASS, July 10, 1863. Lee has not crossed and does not … Continue reading