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Category Archives: 150 Years Ago
banditti busters?
Louisiana’s political affairs were still unsettled in the aftermath of the September 1874 Battle of Liberty Place, in which the white supremacist White League began an insurrection to take control of the state government. At that time federal troops put … Continue reading
Posted in 150 Years Ago, Postbellum Politics, Reconstruction, The Grant Administration
Tagged Grant Administration, Louis Alfred Wiltz, Philip Sheridan, Philippe Régis Denis de Keredern de Trobriand, Ulysses S. Grant, Wendell Phillips, William Almon Wheeler, William Pitt Kellogg, William Tecumseh Sherman, William Worth Belknap
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It’s over –
– Reconstruction in Alabama Overall, the 1874 United States elections were a boon to the Democratic Party, especially in the House of Representatives where Republicans lost 92 seats and the Democrats gained a dominant majority: “The Panic of 1873, a … Continue reading
rebirth again
________________________________________________________ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote a poem that seems pertinent. MIDNIGHT MASS FOR THE DYING YEAR Yes, the Year is growing old, And his eye is pale and bleared! Death, with frosty hand and cold, Plucks the old man by … Continue reading
The death of Gerrit Smith
The well-known abolitionist Gerrit Smith died on December 28, 1874. Harper’s Weekly published a eulogy and brief biography in its January 16, 1875 issue: GERRIT SMITH. THE active antislavery movement in this country began forty years ago, and it is … Continue reading
Posted in 150 Years Ago, 150 Years Ago This Week
Tagged abolition, abolitionists, American Bible Society, American Peace Society, Azel Backus, Dahomey, Gerrit Smith, Hamilton College, John Cochrane (politician), John Jacob Astor, Peterborough (New York), Sunday School Union, William Lloyd Garrison
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According to the Library of Congress, the above picture was created/published in 1909 or 1910. Since the Wright brothers’ first 59 second flight at Kitty Hawk occurred in December 1903, I’d call that witch an early adopter, at least by … Continue reading
“feeling of friendly union”
According to a northern newspaper 150 years ago, that year’s Memorial Day was going to be more inclusive – Confederate dead would be honored along with those who fought for the Union. The paper saw a similar spirit in a … Continue reading
Laurels to the Chief
The Panic of 1873 led to a long-lasting depression in Europe and North America. In early 1874 Congress passed a bill that would expand the supply of paper currency not redeemable in gold. On April 22, 1874 President Ulysses. S. … Continue reading
Cold Easter
Easter was on April 5th in 1874. In its April 11, 1874 issue Harper’s Weekly observed the holiday like this: Happy Easter! Alice Arnold Crawford “was a 19th-century American author of poetry and short stories. She furnished articles in prose … Continue reading
Staunch in the Senate
150 years ago today U.S. Senator Charles Sumner died in his Washington, D.C. home. He had represented Massachusetts in the Senate since 1851. In its March 28, 1874 issue Harper’s Weekly praised Mr. Sumner for his strong anti-slavery leadership: CHARLES … Continue reading
house still divided?
150 years ago Harper’s Weekly published a brief bio of a member of the 43rd Congress. From its February 14, 1874 issue of : THE HON. ROBERT B. ELLIOTT. The South Carolina district that for many years sent JOHN C. … Continue reading
Posted in 150 Years Ago, 150 Years Ago This Month, Postbellum Politics, Postbellum Society, Reconstruction
Tagged Abraham Lincoln, Alonzo Jacob Ransier, federalism, Forty-Third Congress, John C. Calhoun, Robert Brown Elliott, States' Rights, The Civil Rights Act of 1875
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