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Author Archives: SUMPTER
Cold Easter
Easter was on April 5th in 1874. In its April 11, 1874 issue Harper’s Weekly observed the holiday like this: Happy Easter! Alice Arnold Crawford “was a 19th-century American author of poetry and short stories. She furnished articles in prose … Continue reading
Staunch in the Senate
150 years ago today U.S. Senator Charles Sumner died in his Washington, D.C. home. He had represented Massachusetts in the Senate since 1851. In its March 28, 1874 issue Harper’s Weekly praised Mr. Sumner for his strong anti-slavery leadership: CHARLES … Continue reading
house still divided?
150 years ago Harper’s Weekly published a brief bio of a member of the 43rd Congress. From its February 14, 1874 issue of : THE HON. ROBERT B. ELLIOTT. The South Carolina district that for many years sent JOHN C. … Continue reading
Posted in 150 Years Ago, 150 Years Ago This Month, Postbellum Politics, Postbellum Society, Reconstruction
Tagged Abraham Lincoln, Alonzo Jacob Ransier, federalism, Forty-Third Congress, John C. Calhoun, Robert Brown Elliott, States' Rights, The Civil Rights Act of 1875
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a good word
for a bête noire There was a report 150 years ago last month that the ex-Vice President of the Confederacy admired the incumbent U.S. President, U.S. Grant. From the December 25, 1873 issue of The Valley Virginian (page 1): Alexander … Continue reading
new governor
It was a new year with a new governor for Virginia. 150 years ago a Richmond newspaper looked back with appreciation on the exiting governor – even though he was a northerner – and looked forward to the incoming governor … Continue reading
In a manger
Saint Francis of Assisi is given credit for creating the first live Nativity scene in Greccio, Italy 800 years ago this Christmas. St. Francis used live people and animals, I think, for the Bethlehem manger scene. This is how St. … Continue reading
“A Visit from from St. Nicholas” was first published anonymously in the Troy Sentinel on Dec. 23, 1823. The poem was later attributed to Clement Clarke Moore and has become more widely known as “The Night Before Christmas.” According to … Continue reading
tea time
150 years ago this week people commemorated the centennial of the Boston Tea Party. According to the January 3, 1874 issue of Harper’s Weekly, one of the celebrations incorporated a contemporary political issue – women’s rights: THE BOSTON TEA-PARTY. On … Continue reading
Posted in 150 Years Ago This Week, American History, Postbellum Society
Tagged 1st South Carolina Volunteers, American revolution, Boston Tea Party, Committees of Correspondence, Faneuil Hall, Josiah Quincy II, Lendall Pitts, Lucy Stone, New England Woman's Tea Party, Old South Meeting House, Thomas Wentworth Higginson
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gradual recovery
President Ulysses S. Grant’s fifth presidential Thanksgiving proclamation per Pilgrim Hall Museum: BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA – A PROCLAMATION The approaching close of another year brings with it the occasion for renewed thanksgiving and acknowledgment … Continue reading
Thanksgiving, federal style
When the Civil War started, Thanksgiving was not a national holiday. There seemed to be a tradition of Thanksgiving with turkey in November. Sometimes states (and possibly also localities) declared Thanksgiving Days for a variety of reasons. According to Pilgrim … Continue reading
Posted in 160 Years Ago, American History, American Society
Tagged Abraham Lincoln, American War of Independence, Artemas Ward, Articles of Confederation, Fisk University, Henry Laurens, Meharry Medical College, Nashville Tennessee, Richard Henry Boyd, State Rights, Thanksgiving, The Nashville Globe
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