“Base-ball match between the “Athletics”, of Philadelphia, Pa., and the “Atlantics”, of Brooklyn, N.Y., played at Philadelphia, October 30, 1865 / sketched by J.B. Beale. ” (Library of Congress)
150 years ago today the Brooklyn Atlantic base ball club extended its undefeated season down in Philly with what appears to be small ball, lots of small ball. From The New-York Times October 31, 1865:
THE GREAT BASE BALL MATCH.; The Atlantics Against the Athletics The Atlantics the Victors.
PHILADELPHIA, Monday, Oct. 30.
The first game in the great base ball match between the Atlantic and Athletic Clubs was played to-day.
The Atlantics were the victors.
The following is the score:
Atlantics………………………………..21 runs
Athletics……………………………….15 runs
Mr. T.C. KNIGHT, of the Camden Club, acted as Umpire.
The second game between these two famous clubs will be played on Monday next, on the Capitoline Grounds, Brooklyn.
Notwithstanding the short notice given, the base ball match between the Athletics and Atlantics this afternoon was witnessed by an immense number of spectators. The weather was very pleasant. The game lasted nearly three hours and a half. The Atlantics made eleven fly-catches and two home runs, and the Athletics eight fly-catches and one home run. The Atlantics were skunked once, and the Athletics four times. The Atlantics were put out at the bases eighteen times, and the Athletics ten times. The following is the score:
Outs. Runs Outs. Runs.
Kleinfelder……..4 2 Pearce…………..2 5
McBride ………..1 1 C.J. Smith……..1 3
Reach…………..4 1 Norton…,……….4 2
Wilkins…………5 0 Pratt……………4 2
Berkenstock…….2 2 Crane…………..2 1
Laugene…………3 2 S. Smith………..3 2
E.A. Gaskill…….3 2 Start……………4 1
Smith…………..2 3 Galvin…………..3 3
Potter…………..3 2 Chapman……….4 2
Total……….27 15 Total……….27 21
1st. 2d. 3d. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th.
Atlantics……..3 2 0 2 2 1 4 3 4 — 21
Athletics……..4 2 3 0 0 0 5 0 1 — 15

“Early baseball card prototype showing ten members of the Atlantics of Brooklyn baseball club. ” (Library of Congress)

inside baseball? “Union prisoners at Salisbury, N.C. / drawn from nature by Act. Major Otto Boetticher ; lith. of Sarony, Major & Knapp, 449 Broadway, N. York. ” (1863, Library of Congress)