And to help your helpers

(Library of Congress, Rare Book and Special Collections Division)
Massachusetts Governor John A. Andrew served as president of the New England Freedmen’s Aid Society from its founding in 1862.
![Two African American boys, full-length portrait, facing front] / J. R. Shockley, photographer, West Side of Main St., Hannibal, Mo. (between 1860 and 1865; LOC:](
“free to receive help in becoming intelligent citizens”

“Liberty means a fair chance … and the opportunity to be and become all that our own faculties and our own good purposes may command.”

emancipation from slavery and from ignorance
Check out the Library of Congress for information about the letter, the statue, two boys, and emancipation
I found Governor Andrew’s letter a bit of a wake-up call for me to be a better steward in this Land of Liberty.