largest funeral procession
ever in Washington
(“Lincoln’s funeral on Pennsylvania Ave. ”
Library of Congress)
From a Seneca County, New York newspaper on April 21, 1865:
The funeral ceremonies over the remains of the late President LINCOLN took place at the Executive Mansion in Washington on Wednesday, in the presence of President Johnson and Cabinet, the Governors of several States, the diplomatic corps in full costume, prominent officers of the army and navy, and a large concourse of distinguished citizens from all sections of the country. The obsequies are represented as peculiarly solemn and impressive. At ten minutes past 12 o’clock the Rev. Dr. Gurley of the Episcopal church, announced the order of the religious service. Dr. Hall read a portion of the Scriptures according to the form of that church. The opening prayer was made by Bishop Simpson of the Methodist Episcopal church. The Rev. Dr. Gurley then delivered an appropriate discourse, after which the body was conveyed and deposited in the rotunda of the Capitol. The funeral procession it is said was the largest that ever took place in Washington. Mrs. Lincoln was not present at the funeral, and it is stated that she has not even seen her husband’s corpse since the morning of his death.
The remains of President LINCOLN are to leave Washington this (Friday) morning for Springfield, Illinois, for internment. – The funeral train will go by the way of Baltimore, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, New York, Albany, Buffalo, Cleveland and Chicago, reaching Springfield at 8 A.M. on Wednesday, May 2d.