Fall River Line Transports Troops

Portland, Maine 1854 (W.S. Hatton)

Yankee Source - Portland, Maine 1854 (W.S. Hatton) (LOC - LC-DIG-ppmsca-23065)

From The New-York Times June 23, 1861:


BOSTON, Saturday, June 22.

The Fifth Regiment of Maine will leave Portland for New-York on Wednesday next, via the Fall River Line from Boston. Extra trains and boats, as with all regiments going by this Line, will be provided, obviating any interference with passengers on the regular boat of that day.


Catching the boat for New York - Fall River, Mass - 1905

The frigate Santee, Commander EAGLE, sailed from Portsmouth yesterday. She carries 50 guns, with officers and crew numbering 500.

The Vincennes, at the Charlestown Navy-yard, will be commissioned Monday and probably sail Tuesday.

The Preble is ready to sail.

You can read the history of the 5th Maine at its museum site. It sure was a three year regiment with 22 battles from First Bull Run through Petersburg. The regiment’s colonel was Clark S. Edwards.

The Fall River Line operated between 1847 and 1937. A passenger took the train from Boston to Fall River and then hopped a boat for Manhattan.

The USS Vincennes had a long career, including stints to Antarctica and Japan. It was the first U.S. warship to circumnavigate the world. It spent the Civil Ware in the Gulf of Mexico. You can get more info and photos at Naval History & Heritage Command.

The USS Santee also participated in the federal blockade.


Vincennes off Antarctica 1840

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